Just In
for Caught on Camera

4/6/2024 c38 ConanH
Choose to be a scumbag in Conan
4/4/2024 c38 59Alshoruzen
It was sweet how Shinichi didn’t think twice about going with him even though he originally had those plans he was looking forward to and how Kaito did all that reading to plan a trip. I mean, it would have been pretty easy just to look things up, but it does seem more meaningful to draw your own conclusions. Are you going to write about that trip?
4/2/2024 c38 Ki-go
Threats can become stronger when people learn Ke
7/16/2023 c37 Alshoruzen
Heh, very cute. I especially like the little moments where they had the ‘oh’ moments like when Kaito said that bit about teams and when Shinichi mentioned why he came. Welcome back!
9/15/2022 c36 Alshoruzen
That would certainly be memorable. Go Team Kids! Heh. And totally agree with Shinichi’s sentiments there at the beginning. It really doesn’t seem like it should be so hard…
7/22/2022 c35 Alshoruzen
Heh, that was fun. Particularly liked how Shinichi didn’t hesitate at all when he said that Kaito would totally plan for them to be stranded. I half expected him to be right. But this was funny too.
7/19/2022 c35 msjbird
Poor Shinichi and Kaito! Their parents are sometimes a little hard to understand. I'm glad that they were all okay!
7/17/2022 c35 TheUltimateChefofDestruction
Lol extra Kudos! Lol!
Cute chapter!
11/28/2021 c34 Reikuwu
I’m losing my shit over this chapter- I also think shinichi failed to notice if he were to be adopted, him and kaito would end up being brothers. lol.
Actually the double kaito chapter also reminded me of hikaru and kaoru, they radiate similar chaotic energies LOL
11/24/2021 c14 Reikuwu
I’m screaming yukiko memeinig yuusaku… “noooo, he says, it’s coool and useful.” That was hilarious w
11/1/2021 c22 YukineKaze
i kind of wanna read the fic where Kaito and the second KID suddenly get separate and become two people for a day. what will Shin do? well... but i think i will feel terribly sorry for him if that's happen lmao
11/1/2021 c21 YukineKaze
ofc lmao, you're basically serves yourself on silver plate to the cunning human, Shin-tan
5/15/2021 c14 ChaoticInscriber
If they were older when discovering it the kids would probably agree that all Real Libraries need at least one Secret Compartment/Door (and lament that it's too small and needs at least a dim light they could turn on), but it having been designed for an adult's use... Clearly someone forgot something important when childproofing the house, sometime between the initial babyhood-concerns and having kids big enough to actually clamber up and trigger the mechanism by accident...
4/26/2020 c34 27zeynel
Loved this last one !
4/25/2020 c8 12phantom130 5
Love reading these chapters. There's such a homely atmosphere like you are there watching this unfold in real life. I like your interpretation of Kaito in this world. He's going to be an incredible magician.
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