Just In
for Caught on Camera

3/11/2012 c17 24Phantom Hitman 1412
I love all of these cute little fic. It's interesting to see the relationships between the 6 of them. And Shinichi's reactions to some of these are very funny, as is Kaito's indignation at being caught.

Have you thought about a photo of Kaito and Yukiko together. I think that they should be either doing a film shoot, or a magic act- either one. Both are flamboyant enough to make either work; Yukiko would love to be involved in a magic show, and I'm sure that Kaito wouldn't mind acting in a film either. So maybe that's even two pictures there.
2/24/2012 c17 9nwyd
Kaito and Shinichi are so awesome^^
1/10/2012 c10 Justice Cookie
oh wow! rereading this collection i don't remember this chapter at all but i love it^^ It's an adorable image, the two little boys covered in cream but i think i like the ending image even more...i was snickering to the thought of them smearing Yuusaku with cream as he was trying to clean it all up~

Great work with this one, very cute :)
1/7/2012 c17 hiuh
more pls! more! you can't abandon this one!
1/2/2012 c17 3DayDreaming0f y0u
Haha! Aw, Kaito's firework would go rogue. Haha! This is great!
1/1/2012 c17 36Shara Raizel
great chapter to start off the new year. it was cute and funny! Happy New year! ^_^
12/31/2011 c17 ivi
How cute~... and dangerous!

Happy new year to you too!

In Germany, we're already in 2012 :D
12/21/2011 c16 Kidaya
It's a nice idea to write stories to each of a photography, i`d like to see those pictures ;-) it would be fun
12/18/2011 c16 Shara Raizel
and so koizumi makes an appearance. i have really enjoyed all of these little one-shot like stories. i can't wait for the next update!
12/18/2011 c15 Shara Raizel
and hakuba appears! XD poor kai-chan this time. i can just imagine how long hakuba and shinichi could go on and on about their beloved Sherlock Holmes. XD
12/18/2011 c14 Shara Raizel
oh no's! little shin and kai got locked in a secret hidy hole of yusaku's! XD aww! good think they were found. :P
12/18/2011 c13 Shara Raizel
XD kaito burned his eyebrows off? XD nice
12/18/2011 c12 Shara Raizel
meeting heiji! yay! i'd been wondering when you'd introduce others into this fic even if it was only in passing.
12/18/2011 c11 Shara Raizel
another sweet chapter full of fluff. ^_^ loved it.
12/18/2011 c10 Shara Raizel
YAY! another kiddy chapter! XD jokes on yusaku this time though! XD
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