Just In
for Caught on Camera

8/26/2011 c13 19Shimizu Hikaru
God Lord, I seriously wanna see the photo xD! Please next photo~!
8/21/2011 c12 Shimizu Hikaru
Oh dear, poor Shin-chan xD. Great chappie~! Update plz~!
8/19/2011 c12 8Plunny.Empress
XD Nice! Do they always have a camera on them just for this? That's kind of funny that they managed to catch it in those couple of seconds. ^-^ And Heiji is always so hot headed. ^-^ Nice job. ^-^
8/19/2011 c12 10LMeg9.20
very cute. part of me wishes you had actually wrote more about meeting Hattori as it would have been a chance for more laughs, but part of me is glad you didn't because Hattori annoys me a little sometimes. Mostly his accent. It's not fun to read or write
8/12/2011 c11 19Shimizu Hikaru
Oh God, I love this chappie xD~! the parents are awesome! I wish I had parents like them x). But well! Plz update~!
8/12/2011 c11 10LMeg9.20
WAH! SO CUTE! Probably my favorite chapter so far!
8/11/2011 c11 8Plunny.Empress
XD So their parents.! XD Nice job once again! ^-^
8/11/2011 c11 3DayDreaming0f y0u
Oh Kaito. He knows exactly what to do all the time. Please update soon. I can't wait for the next one!
8/11/2011 c10 7angelwingsonline
The title of this chapter gave away too much but other than that it was good.
7/31/2011 c10 7perfectly flawed woman
weeeeee ... update soooon... :))
7/29/2011 c10 3DayDreaming0f y0u
Haha! That's great! Oh, I bet they were so adoable as chibi chibis! Love this. Please update soon! Now, I'm in the mood for something sweet . . . .
7/29/2011 c10 8Plunny.Empress
Wonderful! I love this one. ^-^ Especially the description of the picture of Yuusaku. XD Great job!
7/24/2011 c9 7perfectly flawed woman
hmmm .. please update soooon !
7/22/2011 c9 36MSN1412
I looove this one ehehehee~ :D no wonder he missed him with waiting the phone XD

waiting more from you soon! :D

S4viRa deMSN
7/22/2011 c9 8Plunny.Empress
XD Wonderful job! So like Shinichi and his family! XD Love the last little bit between Kaito and Shinichi. XD
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