8/19/2011 c12
XD Nice! Do they always have a camera on them just for this? That's kind of funny that they managed to catch it in those couple of seconds. ^-^ And Heiji is always so hot headed. ^-^ Nice job. ^-^

XD Nice! Do they always have a camera on them just for this? That's kind of funny that they managed to catch it in those couple of seconds. ^-^ And Heiji is always so hot headed. ^-^ Nice job. ^-^
8/19/2011 c12
very cute. part of me wishes you had actually wrote more about meeting Hattori as it would have been a chance for more laughs, but part of me is glad you didn't because Hattori annoys me a little sometimes. Mostly his accent. It's not fun to read or write

very cute. part of me wishes you had actually wrote more about meeting Hattori as it would have been a chance for more laughs, but part of me is glad you didn't because Hattori annoys me a little sometimes. Mostly his accent. It's not fun to read or write
8/12/2011 c11
19Shimizu Hikaru
Oh God, I love this chappie xD~! the parents are awesome! I wish I had parents like them x). But well! Plz update~!

Oh God, I love this chappie xD~! the parents are awesome! I wish I had parents like them x). But well! Plz update~!
8/11/2011 c11
3DayDreaming0f y0u
Oh Kaito. He knows exactly what to do all the time. Please update soon. I can't wait for the next one!

Oh Kaito. He knows exactly what to do all the time. Please update soon. I can't wait for the next one!
8/11/2011 c10
The title of this chapter gave away too much but other than that it was good.

The title of this chapter gave away too much but other than that it was good.
7/29/2011 c10
3DayDreaming0f y0u
Haha! That's great! Oh, I bet they were so adoable as chibi chibis! Love this. Please update soon! Now, I'm in the mood for something sweet . . . .

Haha! That's great! Oh, I bet they were so adoable as chibi chibis! Love this. Please update soon! Now, I'm in the mood for something sweet . . . .
7/29/2011 c10
Wonderful! I love this one. ^-^ Especially the description of the picture of Yuusaku. XD Great job!

Wonderful! I love this one. ^-^ Especially the description of the picture of Yuusaku. XD Great job!
7/22/2011 c9
I looove this one ehehehee~ :D no wonder he missed him with waiting the phone XD
waiting more from you soon! :D
S4viRa deMSN

I looove this one ehehehee~ :D no wonder he missed him with waiting the phone XD
waiting more from you soon! :D
S4viRa deMSN
7/22/2011 c9
XD Wonderful job! So like Shinichi and his family! XD Love the last little bit between Kaito and Shinichi. XD

XD Wonderful job! So like Shinichi and his family! XD Love the last little bit between Kaito and Shinichi. XD