Just In
for Caught on Camera

7/21/2011 c9 6enefea
awwww~ how cute~ *is melting* i'm really loving your fic. love~ the fluffy moments~ XD i can't wait for the next chapter. oh, and i'm very curious about the 'french incident'. XD
7/20/2011 c8 19Shimizu Hikaru
God Lord, really funny~! And great and nice and cute too~! Please next picture/chappie~!
7/18/2011 c8 7perfectly flawed woman
aw .. please update soooooon .. i♥it ..
7/16/2011 c8 3DayDreaming0f y0u
Haha, oh Kaito. He sure knows how to make things interesting. Please udpdate soon. This is great! I loved it!
7/14/2011 c8 8Plunny.Empress
Oh! You should write about that "french incident". ^-^ Nice chappie! Keep it up! ^-^
7/7/2011 c7 SarahLikesCookies
love this one.

So much.


7/7/2011 c7 Plunny.Empress
Xd EPIC! Absolutely epic! Another wonderful chapter. I can't wait for more. ^-^
7/4/2011 c6 1WolvesAngelz
I'm enjoying your fic! I hope you can update soon! ^W^
7/2/2011 c6 3DayDreaming0f y0u
Haha! I love it! Please update soon. These are sooo cute!
6/28/2011 c6 9mochiusagi
Hahhahhahahhaha super cute! Even as toddlers, Kaito couldn't stay away from shinichi.
6/28/2011 c6 Warning. Error code
wa-, funny funny XD

little kaito felt bad for little shinichi ^^

if only shinichi could climb out, too.

then, they would just walk around everywhere, and destroy everything E

thanks for the chapter,

update soon~
6/27/2011 c6 8Plunny.Empress
I love the ending. ^-^ Nice job. ^-^
6/22/2011 c5 Hausen
I don't think you've mentioned Yuusaku joining in the parents in torturing Shin-chan. Anyway, nice chapter and hope you'll update soon!
6/19/2011 c5 Warning. Error code
i've got nothin :

but it's awesome!~~

i like their family, they're wierd in a unique way ^^

i love all the pictures getting taken to XD

thanks for the chapter,

update soon~
6/19/2011 c5 17Hattori Sei
Two photos caught just at the right moments. Subjects: Kaitou KID and Shin'ichi Setting: A rooftop with the full moon set in the background.

Photo one: Shin'ichi has KID's arm caught as he's running away.

Photo Two: Shin'ichi is on the ground, KID fallen on top of him, monocle and hat on the ground. Both sets of eyes widen, they're kissing.
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