Just In
for Caught on Camera

5/5/2011 c1 Warning. Error code
omg, this is so awesome XD

love it!

as for suggestions, i've found some pics. might not have much of a story behind them:


(i just wonder how they got their hands tied up in a bow. and why are they wearing cat ears?the world may never know)

5/5/2011 c1 15tess4aria
Loved it :)

As for other How would this be? You know how everyone has those lovely/crazy dress-up pictures as kids-any kind of combination of overlarge suits/ties to halloween costumes and fairy princess get-ups...? I know my brother and I had our fair share...(and I wasn't the one wearing the princess dress) ^_^

Not sure how much Shinichi'd appreciate this ;D but hey, could be cute, you think?

Great concept! Looking forward to more!
5/5/2011 c1 29LyndsiMcKay
So this one's going to be a bit well cliche to say the least...

Pick a birthday either Kaito or Shinichi's

I'm dying to see someone's face covered in cake in a playful way...

This was adorable...I think that this could be epic awesome I loved this one, just keep up with the cuteness that is KaiShin and we're great...

5/5/2011 c1 Yuki-Chan2
OMG, so so cute. KaiShin. 3 3 AND THEIR PARENTS ARE LOVE.

The idea is just adorable. 3

I really love your writing style and concept! -v-

Man, I wish I had some ideas for a picture, but my mind is a blank. Hopefully, others will be more creative and suggest something. LOL.
5/5/2011 c1 RAGA
I'm guessing that Toichi may have been one of the few magician that were performing. Another marvelous piece, I thank you for that. ^-^

- A Suggestion -

Where: A festival

When: Can start whenever, but definitely needs to last until night for firework displays

What: Celebrating the festival with friends (with some romantic fluff on the side)

- End -

Well, I guess I'm in the mood to have a celebration (stuck in the middle of examination, so it's wishful thinking). But something fun to start the summer off would be nice. :D
5/5/2011 c1 Abuchiku
This is cute! How about Kaito performing a magic show in front of an audience and pulling Shinichi(with bunny ears!) out of a hat? And of course the look on Shinichi's face was shocked and totally embarassed
5/4/2011 c1 2Miracle or Magic
its so cute! But does Kaitou Kid exist in tht universe? Cuz hes mi favorite character! I mean Kid, Kaito, Toichi is the same bt just wondering... N i dont know if it was mentioned or not but WHEN did the two actually kiss? Lik few months before they saw the album or...?
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