Just In
for Caught on Camera

5/5/2015 c29 13Kaybugg1
mega coolage chapter.
5/5/2015 c29 6Miss Emotion
5/5/2015 c29 9mochiusagi
Awwwwwww super cute!
5/5/2015 c29 7twenty-one clouds
Ahahaha. This is just so adorably cute. You guys are awesome. Really, just-(oh god i suddenly realized how incredibly little my vocabulary is) awesome. great. yeah.
5/4/2015 c29 Lady Rosencrantz
OMG That's just too adorably sweet and cute and I have this stupid bizarre grin that my roommate thinks means I'm plotting either world domination or the death of the cat-formerly-known-as-fluffy and even if it had nothing to do with birthdays or old-age days it was a brilliant ficlet for Shin-chan Day XD
5/4/2015 c29 1Pacifistic Brat
...Poor Shin chan must of got confused a lot. So cute I love it, please update soon.
4/15/2015 c28 Guest
So awesome!
2/2/2015 c28 Guest
awwww :3 so adorable!
12/11/2014 c28 60Alshoruzen
Heh heh, how cute.
The idea of a fairy god father is pretty funny too.
12/2/2014 c28 6Miss Emotion
THAT WAS AWESOME! CONVINCING KISS PEACOCK BLUSH KAITO DIDNT EVEN GO TO SHIN-CHAN'S SCHOOL!? OMG KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH sorry! I just really enjoyed this chapter! I adore the idea and the way you wrote it! Especially how they drew straws and the coincidence hahahahaha and Kaito jealous! :D Thank you for this beauty! Eagerly awaiting the next beautiful chapter!
12/1/2014 c28 Guest
10/16/2014 c27 NekoGurl98
This story is so awesome! The snippets into their lifes are humorous and heartwarming. I really love it _
10/8/2014 c27 3DayDreaming0f y0u
Oh Kaito. He will always make me laugh. Him and Shinichi have such great chemistry. Love this! You're doing a wonderful job! I can't wait for more little moments. I wish so much of this was canon.
9/23/2014 c27 9mochiusagi
Awwwwww that was adorable! Ahahahhahaha I love how Yukiko walks into a potentially awkward scene and doesn't even bat an eyelash. RIP fallen tree branch, you shall be missed.
8/21/2014 c27 60Alshoruzen
It's cute how Shinichi's trying so hard to ignore Kaito but still worrying about him.
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