8/19/2014 c27
6Miss Emotion
That was the best! I love ALL of these chapters! Especially the ship one, when Shinichi was forced into a dress, the soccer one (that was hilarious), I really like the kid idea as well, Hakuba's meeting was hilarious, the tutoring one (wish I could see more of that one), the Halloween one: Megure keibu's reaction was priceless, the dream's one,the first kiss one and OMG I love all of them! Heheh they make me grin and laugh my lungs out as well (my friends are giving me weird looks). Just an idea but maybe something about Shinichi doing something naughty or something that Kaito interprets as naughty, and Kaito catches him! Also Just a question but you've mentioned Aoko before in this but you haven't mentioned Ran. Is she in this? Do they both ADORE their relationship (as in think it's sexy) or ...?
I love the way you write them! Haha hilarious and adorable! When Shin-chan blushes.. It's so cute!

That was the best! I love ALL of these chapters! Especially the ship one, when Shinichi was forced into a dress, the soccer one (that was hilarious), I really like the kid idea as well, Hakuba's meeting was hilarious, the tutoring one (wish I could see more of that one), the Halloween one: Megure keibu's reaction was priceless, the dream's one,the first kiss one and OMG I love all of them! Heheh they make me grin and laugh my lungs out as well (my friends are giving me weird looks). Just an idea but maybe something about Shinichi doing something naughty or something that Kaito interprets as naughty, and Kaito catches him! Also Just a question but you've mentioned Aoko before in this but you haven't mentioned Ran. Is she in this? Do they both ADORE their relationship (as in think it's sexy) or ...?
I love the way you write them! Haha hilarious and adorable! When Shin-chan blushes.. It's so cute!
8/19/2014 c27 Guest
Yay you updated!
Yay you updated!
6/11/2014 c26 Kaishin fan
Do more!
Do more!
6/11/2014 c18 Guest
i Love It!
i Love It!
6/11/2014 c11 Kid1412
love your stories
love your stories
4/12/2014 c26
Pppfrrretrt ahahhahahhahahahah that was great! Ahahahaha can't be that logic, I what I say.

Pppfrrretrt ahahhahahhahahahah that was great! Ahahahaha can't be that logic, I what I say.
2/26/2014 c25 Guest
I really like these!
Laugh all the way through...
I'm looking forward to the nest ones.
I really like these!
Laugh all the way through...
I'm looking forward to the nest ones.
1/8/2014 c11
9Katherine Apollo Karma
I was just thinking how that girl was quite like me when I saw "Katherine" XD some coincidences are just brilliant. This set of stories (so far of course ) is absolutely adorable. And I am looking forward to the next. :)

I was just thinking how that girl was quite like me when I saw "Katherine" XD some coincidences are just brilliant. This set of stories (so far of course ) is absolutely adorable. And I am looking forward to the next. :)
11/10/2013 c25
Ppppppppfftttttt agahhahhahahhahahha that was great! Ahahahahaahahaha wow, I can't believe that Kaito had a headless corpse by the front door.

Ppppppppfftttttt agahhahhahahhahahha that was great! Ahahahahaahahaha wow, I can't believe that Kaito had a headless corpse by the front door.
10/27/2013 c24 Chibiterasu1713
I've been a huge fan of all you KaiShin stories and for a while there I had drifted away from the ship. But after reading this you relit the fire! It was so adorable I can't even! I can't wait for more.
I've been a huge fan of all you KaiShin stories and for a while there I had drifted away from the ship. But after reading this you relit the fire! It was so adorable I can't even! I can't wait for more.