Just In
for Caught on Camera

9/11/2013 c23 22Lady of the Shards
Awwww. How sweet. Have you thought about having Kaito on a sugar high?
9/11/2013 c10 Lady of the Shards
Oh that is brilliant. *bursts into mad giggles*
9/11/2013 c6 Lady of the Shards
I think this one is my favorite yet. Too adorable.
9/7/2013 c23 Kimmiko T
I love this story!
Please update soon!
7/26/2013 c23 11Rey129
Hmm… maybe Shinichi's birthday the next one? And these are so good!
6/14/2013 c23 Justice Cookie
Lovely to see an update for this one :)

Very cute images, poor little Shinichi so nervous and Kaito not really getting it but trying to help anyways! :)

The mental exercises Kaito was suggesting and Shinichi trying to make them make sense was HILARIOUS XD

Thanks for sharing!
6/12/2013 c23 9mochiusagi
Awwwwwwww super cute! Ahahaha seems like Kaito never does anything normally-he always has to go that extra mile. More?
6/10/2013 c23 cJSakura
You have no idea how much I wanted this to be updated. I just squealed when it did. I completely for got Shinichi played the Violin. It was a cute idea too.
5/17/2013 c11 Guest
My name's Katherine too XD although the person-who-stole-my-name adds quite a depressing array of thoughts into Shin-chan's mind -_-
3/28/2013 c22 3DayDreaming0f y0u
This was hilarious! Why can't there be any canon moments like this between them? I love Shinichi and Ran, but the thing is that she'll never understand that part of him when it's all over. Wonderful! These just make my day. Plenty more to come! It scares me at how proficient their parents are at getting these photos. I'm weirded out and creeped out. I can't wait for more!
12/19/2012 c11 danilion
Really like these! Cute and (mostly) funny snippets. :) The parental 'interference' is hilarious too.
11/23/2012 c22 1AyameRose
It sure is funny though! I can totally see Kaio finding some way to temporarily clone himself then getting into a competition/fight about who is the real one by finding which one is "better"
11/6/2012 c22 36Shara Raizel
I LOVE shinichi's dream. Kaito would totally start competing with himself. Poor Shinichi. XD
11/6/2012 c22 9mochiusagi
Awwww cute! Ohhhh two Kaitos, double the mischief.
11/6/2012 c22 10LMeg9.20
Wow, this was a really fun chapter! Although now that I think about it, every chapter in this fic is a fun chapter. Anyways, both of them have some very strange dreams. Maybe they ate something weird before going to bed? Very enjoyable to read :)
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