Just In
for Sam's Escape

2/28/2014 c1 2notyourghost
I am so excited to read this again! There was a time when i lived to read both this series and the Happened Again series by readingtoomuch (which i wish i could also reread :[), so i am feeling very nostalgic!
This is definitely still one of my all-time favourite fanfics and you are a very talented author :) Can't wait for you to get your much-deserved book deal, lol.
Thanks again for sharing this!
9/6/2013 c3 Lennie
7/7/2013 c73 RJRRAA
Such an amazing story! I told you that I was going to read the first and second story over summer and I am done with the first! Some things make more sense now that I have read the first one because I just started with the third. I'm going to start the second one right now!
1/23/2013 c61 Guest
Can't wait to see more!
7/9/2012 c73 gleeroxx
I so want sam and quinn 2 have a baby please dont stall it any longer. Maybe they could have twins. plus i luved wen puck annoyed dem so it wud b way kewl if quinn got really really drunk and started makingvout with puck.
just an idea
3/17/2012 c73 6samevanssmutfan
Whew, this has been one long ride! Excellent job! It was really nice to see so many sides of Sam's and Quinn's relationship! On to the next!
2/24/2012 c36 Sarah Bass
your fan fic is soooo amazing i love it really i do! :D
1/25/2012 c17 FabrevansIsEndgame
Loved the part with Mike drawing Sam's abs! :)
1/15/2012 c73 3UBER-gleefan18
I loved it from 1 - 73! Thank you for the inspiration!
7/26/2011 c73 3quam314159
I loved this story from beginning to end! So good!
7/22/2011 c73 12Readingtoomuch
That was a rollercoaster! So many emotions! I can't wait for the next one!
7/22/2011 c73 andsoitis2
thanks so much for writing this story, i´ve really enjoyed it :)
7/22/2011 c73 Written-in-hearts
Aww. I loved the ending! I can't wait until you post the new story. Please, please, please, post it asap. Anyway, I really truly loved this story, and now I am going to read the entire thing from the beginning. Can't wait to read more from you!
7/22/2011 c73 2notyourghost
oh my godddd i absolutely LOVED THIS STORY! can't wait for the next one! you are an amazing, talented author :)

i absolutely love fabrevans, i wish they were still together on the show:(

cant wait for the next story! :D :D
7/21/2011 c72 HorseGirly2

I cant wait to finish this and read the new story! so exciting!
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