5/15/2011 c1
Well, if I loved before, then I don't recall any better verb to describe this new version. Seriously, I envy you sooooooo much, because you can make a fight scene look like a fight scene!
And you know I adore this story! Yes you do!

Well, if I loved before, then I don't recall any better verb to describe this new version. Seriously, I envy you sooooooo much, because you can make a fight scene look like a fight scene!
And you know I adore this story! Yes you do!
5/10/2011 c1
*cheeky grin* They have a long history as you'll remember. Even if Wise Boy doesn't. Because he is a Janubian mudhead and a fool. And also a liar. And an utterly fascinating character, especially versus The Crimster. *nods*

*cheeky grin* They have a long history as you'll remember. Even if Wise Boy doesn't. Because he is a Janubian mudhead and a fool. And also a liar. And an utterly fascinating character, especially versus The Crimster. *nods*
5/10/2011 c1
And it's back! Yay! *happy dances*
*grins* The more I read this story, the more it grows on me. You really bring Janub to life (not that there's much in a desert, but you know what I mean); and your descriptions of the fight scene are superb. Crims and Wisey have a really weird relationship - hate/crush/who knows what - and this is pretty much the story that sums it up. I wuvs so much. :D

And it's back! Yay! *happy dances*
*grins* The more I read this story, the more it grows on me. You really bring Janub to life (not that there's much in a desert, but you know what I mean); and your descriptions of the fight scene are superb. Crims and Wisey have a really weird relationship - hate/crush/who knows what - and this is pretty much the story that sums it up. I wuvs so much. :D