Just In
for Infiltrait0rN7

5/11/2011 c1 7Gentleman Bystander
5/11/2011 c1 4Delais Starlight
5/11/2011 c1 JuSt SOme RaNDoM PsYchO
This is win,

Continue writing more of this!
5/11/2011 c1 11Made Nightwing
Camping is a legitimate tactic.
5/11/2011 c1 1Avenger09
You get the idea.
5/11/2011 c1 3Wehaswallhacks

*press F4*

just because he states the facts doesn't mean he's acting unsportsmanlike. he's just that good
5/11/2011 c1 3Prvt. Caboose
Never play first-person-shooters against people with actual military experience.

No wait, make that people with actual combat experience.

I did my military service, and still suck.
5/11/2011 c1 Drunken Soviet
Funny s*** man
5/11/2011 c1 Cinsir
funny oneshot =)
5/11/2011 c1 11SpiritOfSherwood
If Legion were to play CoD, the collective crying of a thousand thousand kids getting their butts kicked would destroy CoD utterly. Legion pwns all of n00bdom.

The Spirit
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