Just In
for Infiltrait0rN7

11/6/2021 c4 1PariahPrime
It’s so good to see this again!
11/6/2021 c4 9OmniGawker
Nice to see that this is back from the grave, keep it up amigo/a
11/6/2021 c4 11SomebodyLost
I felt bad for the dude last chapter, but I wasn't expecting the feels in this latest one. Well done!

Sadly Legion may die depending on the choices, but after this fic I kinda want all the players to meet because after the war... why not? But hey it's your fic - you can change something.

Thanks for writing!
11/6/2021 c4 6Snapdragonroar
I'm sorry, you must be at least a level 4 friend to unlock my tragic backstory [level 4 friend unlocked]
11/6/2021 c3 Snapdragonroar
It’s baaaaack!
Play nice and make friends, Legion come on
11/6/2021 c4 devo342
I live this
11/6/2021 c4 SpecterXCove
Aw that was sweat. I honestly did not expect to see this story updated but it's still a welcome surprise.
11/6/2021 c4 Griezz
Loving this story!
11/6/2021 c4 1Dedischado
Awww, Legion does have a heart.
11/6/2021 c4 10WiseSilver
Aw tragic background bonding. Go legion!
11/6/2021 c4 Krysvun
that ending is just dawwwwwwwwwwww
11/6/2021 c4 59ptl
Wow… never expected a heart-to-heart moment though the times Legion tried not to break his cover were worth a few chuckles.
11/6/2021 c3 39This Is Sarcasm
This is hilarious. YES.
11/5/2021 c3 Poptard
glad the antics return, without a step missed
11/5/2021 c3 18SLotH4
He tried to warn them... but no one believed. I love that Legion seems to have a vendetta against this guy for no reason. It's so silly. But so is the idea of a geth playing video games. This chapter wasn't as funny as the other two, but I like the drama of "John." And the fact the team brought him on board is amusing as well.
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