Just In
for Infiltrait0rN7

11/5/2021 c3 1Dedischado
Squeeee! You’re back! I do so love this fic.
11/5/2021 c3 8marsolino
I don’t even remember ever following this lmao
11/5/2021 c3 2ManwithaPlan113
A whole 10 years and this updates. Holy shit. And just as good too!
11/5/2021 c1 AkiraWolf98
Oh my god you’re alive! I love the chapter! TBH I’m not sure if KRO is actually on to something. We’re going to follow his descent into madness aren’t we?
11/5/2021 c1 7Miriani
And just the irony of a Geth platform being accused of (groan) bottling? Love seeing a favorite getting an update after so long
6/13/2021 c2 Schazmen
Well, now I see why this was in TVTropes' recommended fanfics. This was really good!
3/22/2021 c2 Guest
This was fun, I would like to see what legion does next.
6/13/2020 c2 5Mecharic
This is... by the Old Ones this is just... HA! I do very much love this.
2/12/2020 c1 jorenvanderark
11/12/2019 c2 18MrFredCDobbs
"We do not experience fear, but we do understand how it affects you."

...Ohhhh, that's just brilliant.
6/7/2019 c2 Xarthos
even though this will most likely never receive another update, i'll still be hoping.
thank you for making this masterpiece
4/15/2019 c1 1Karystma
Well when he it’s it that way, then he’s completely in the right. After all what the other players are doing is stupid. ALSO F4
1/13/2019 c2 2Pinehas
Oh my God. THIS FIC! I never laughed so hard in so little words! It's a shame this is complete, but goddamn this is gold! I hope you write more humorous fics like this, even if it's not from ME series.
11/29/2018 c2 Kaosdrachen
**** it, I laughed. Nicely done.
10/10/2018 c2 Thewhitewolfofchange
So this is what Legion was doing in his/its free time
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