Just In
for Court Charges

12/2/2021 c1 1Glrasshopper
One of my biggest gripes with Me3. How it should have gone : "I plead SPECTRE status. You have no jurisdiction. Now get out of my way, I have Reapers to kill"
7/24/2015 c1 6Snapdragonroar
I would have given anything for Mass Effect 3: The Trial. Anything.
6/29/2015 c1 45Black' Victor Cachat
5/13/2013 c1 The Anguished One
Nice. I kind of wish this happened at the beginning of ME3.
12/30/2012 c1 Yoholic
9/24/2012 c1 11bldude
Fourth Option: "I'm a spectre." :P
3/12/2012 c1 iOnlySignIn
I'm soooo going Renegade on this one...
9/28/2011 c1 4Enis
That was awesome. For some reason ecological destruction from mining and tax evasion made me laugh the hardest. Strong work, keep it up.
8/11/2011 c1 Cyb3rNinja
"... My ding ding dong"

Best. Renegade. Interupt. Ever.
7/18/2011 c1 38almostinsane
LOL. Wow. Even a Paragon has a lot of charges stacked up against him/her. This was funny. Thanks for writing this. God bless!
6/19/2011 c1 Shodatl
The only charges he could contest would be Harboring a Known Criminal. (Kasumi)

She's not particularly "known"

Same for thane, though he can be explained by the court... so meh.

With the shadow broker's resources the only thing the court would be aware of is the xenoside.
6/10/2011 c1 5JoeLaTurkey
Please, Please PLEASE write the full trial. Like this and your other Mass Effect fics there's so much potential. This is the third one-shot from you I want to see a full version of.

...I wouldn't include the Renegade action though. As a full fic this has the potential to be both humorous and believable.

Whatever you do, write a full version! Hell, I'll Beta it.
5/24/2011 c1 37Ranger24
yeah this is probably what will happen
5/17/2011 c1 20Sun-Tsu Toriden
'...Oh, my ding-ding-dong'

Laughed so hard at the last line. But yes, I think this is about an accurate assessment of Shepard's activities. Though you may also want to add something along the lines of:

Multiple charges of theft/grand theft - current confirmed total: 1 million credits. Suspected total: over 10 million.

Piracy - (see documentation relating to 'Normandy SR-2)
5/14/2011 c1 11SpiritOfSherwood
Holy . . . Shep has himself quite a charge list, probably larger as a Paragon than a Renegade. Am eagerly anticipating what Shep has to say in defence of himself. Also I can totally see this happening at his trial at the start of ME3 :D

The Spirit
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