Just In
for Mind of the Queen

7/24/2015 c1 6Snapdragonroar
That was beautiful. Thank you. You have an incredible writing style and a brilliant way of writing full characters. The other stories I've read of yours on here are HILARIOUS, and then you come around and hit me in the feels with this? Rude.
7/25/2012 c1 5Sonata of Hades
Truly a masterpiece
4/22/2012 c1 7A Dozen Lemmings
That is...Wow...
6/10/2011 c1 5JoeLaTurkey
Haunting, terrifying and beautifully written.

You probably know what I'm going to say at this point, but I'd love to see more of the Rachni Queen. There's much of her story between Mass Effect and Mass Effect 3 we don't know and this is a chance for you to be really creative.

Keep writing, yor style is superb

- A turkey named Joe.
5/17/2011 c1 20Sun-Tsu Toriden
A concise, yet beautiful piece, both in writing and in concept.
5/15/2011 c1 3OnyxLeopard
oh no, not the Queen! The Reapers now have an army of rachni at their disposal, this is not good. I like how you gave us an idea of how the Rachni will play a role in Mass Effect 3. Let's just hope that this doesn't happen.
5/14/2011 c1 11SpiritOfSherwood
5/14/2011 c1 Zegi
You just tapped in to everyones Fear regarding the Queen choice..

has there been any confirmation on what you have written here Ranubis?

Regardless. it was very short. but it sure pulled the hearth stings.

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