Just In
for Teenage Hunter Jayden Style

5/27/2016 c10 Christina
Please update soon and can you do a parenting story like the one from LillianPaige but this time instead of just Roman being the parent this time you do Roman and The Undertaker as the parents and this time make it not realistic like LillanPaige is doing and this time Seth Rollins is the oldest then Dean Ambrose and then Sami Callihan and the youngest is Randy Orton and Randy is the most difficult one too like when Roman and The Undertaker ask him to something and not to do something but Randy always does the opposite and he doesn't like it when his fathers put him in time out and his fathers are distracted he sneaks out of time out and when Roman and The Undertaker takes the boys somewhere fun Randy sneaks off to do the things that he wants to do and Randy Orton is Roman's and The Undertaker's kid that Roman gave birth to and Randy stays the size of a six years old and when his fathers won't let him use things that six years old aren't suppose to use he will do anything to get his little hands on them but when his fathers won't let him Randy starts throwing a tantrum and when they still don't give it to Randy he starts to hitting his fathers and will kick them if he really wants it bad enough and if they're holding Randy and when he is upset he will hit and kick in their arms and when Randy won't stop his tantrum one of his fathers will picks him up and sit down with him and try to talk to Randy sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work and when it doesn't work they will take him on a walk to calm him down and when they think that Randy is fine to walk on his own Randy try's to go back to where his fathers said he can't be he looks to make to sure that his fathers aren't looking at him before he goes back to do what they told Randy not to do but they can catch him the most of the time before he can walk away from them but when they are home and when Randy try's to get out of the house so he can play but wants to be outside by himself but his fathers won't let him go outside by himself because he is not old enough to be by himself but doesn't stop Randy from trying but his fathers always block the door with their body or leg so he can't get outside but the one dad that Randy gets upset with the most is Undertaker because when he was younger he remembers that he went outside by himself once but doesn't remember that he had sneaked outside when Taker wasn't looking so now he gets mad when Taker tells him no. Thanks :)
7/3/2015 c9 TheImpalaLover
7/3/2015 c8 TheImpalaLover
Poor jayden. I know it's not real but your writing gets to me cuz it makes me feel like I'm in the story. Since I'm not caught up in the series I've been reading all I once and I cried a little. Plz keep up your awesome work and thank you for taking your time and writing this.
7/3/2015 c7 TheImpalaLover
... :/... that was NOT expected.
7/3/2015 c6 TheImpalaLover
I kinda want her to have another suicide attempt. I know it's mean of me but I love the DRAMA it's just so... drama-ish.
7/3/2015 c5 TheImpalaLover
I love this series so much ( I love drama and this series has a lot of it)
7/3/2015 c4 TheImpalaLover
I love the drama
7/3/2015 c3 TheImpalaLover
7/3/2015 c1 TheImpalaLover
I love this story so much. The only story's I've read so far are sister fics and I love them all so much. Keep up the good work.
8/3/2013 c10 Anon
I liked the story and main idea but I noticed some plot holes. My advice would be read the whole thing through and edit some stuff out and make your self more clear like about John I thought the story was taking place early on in the series. I had no idea that John was dead until a few chapters in. If you work on those issues I think your story could go from good to great.
5/28/2013 c1 Emmajacobs123
I LOVE this story I have read it at least five times and never got sick of it full story
5/26/2013 c1 Emmajacobs123
Wish u gud luck on continuing the story
5/25/2013 c10 Emmajacobs123
This story was ...AWESOME! I loved it plz do continue it
5/25/2013 c1 Emmajacobs123
The story is very interesting
8/2/2012 c10
You did a really good job. Could you add some injured Jayden and nursing dean and sam? Thank you for writing this terrific story.
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