5/18/2013 c2 India
10/19/2011 c2
Our stories are kind of alike. I like it. It's a great story, so you should really update again.

Our stories are kind of alike. I like it. It's a great story, so you should really update again.
5/22/2011 c1 marsy-cat
Really like the idea of this story... Would be fun if Alice or Esme offered to babysit Bella... Maybe if she landed herself in hospital, as only Bella could, with say a broken arm... I could see Carlisle offering their service's...
Really like the idea of this story... Would be fun if Alice or Esme offered to babysit Bella... Maybe if she landed herself in hospital, as only Bella could, with say a broken arm... I could see Carlisle offering their service's...