Just In
for Sugar rush

5/6/2013 c1 53theabridgedkuriboh
Awwww Kyoya
11/2/2011 c1 Grey Orul
so cute.. amazing.. u r so great.. wish to hear more from u..
10/5/2011 c1 56darkwoodsdreamer
LOL hyper kyoya is hil. no wonder he doesn't eat suger...
7/7/2011 c1 16sami.60
BAHAHA "Emailing my wonderful friends." PRICELESS :D
6/13/2011 c1 25Don'tMessWithAFangirl
YES! Kyoya on a suger rush ftw!
5/26/2011 c1 Arianna
"Daddy, I'm tired, carry me to bed."



...I LOL'd...
5/24/2011 c1 17ThexCurus
I tee hee'd through this. :D Now I know why he doesn't eat sugar. XD
5/23/2011 c1 Guest
Ahhh! That was weird and cute at the same time. It's a weird feeling. U had A good idea. :)

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