Just In
for The Little Things You Miss

12/24/2011 c5 leightonmarie1992
To be honest... The whole Draco/Hermione thing is reallllly creeping me out. But I do see that this is categorized as a Ron/Hermione story so I'm very interested to see where you take this. Great story though, very well-written. Can't wait for your next post! :)
12/22/2011 c5 ImissXena
Very hot dream! I'm not sure I liked how Hermione is using Ron and his feelings right now, but since she's confuse at the moment, I'll give her some slack. Please update soon xD
12/18/2011 c5 Fred
So I stuck with it for a few chapters but I still want Hermione to die in a fire.

Now I might be missing something because the writting is really disjointed and full of canonical mistakes but Hermione seems like a piece of trash before she had her little episode.

I'm going to have to give it a pass from now on. Everything is just way too OOC for me.

Good luck
12/18/2011 c5 1SilverDoe23
Weird story. Worth reading, no doubt. I'm curious what kind of a curse and why, Draco hexed Hermione. I'm more curious since it seems that Ron's presence or even his kisses are not enough to break the spells, which is sad in a way, but it also proves that it's a very powerful dark magic. Update soon please :)
12/18/2011 c5 review
right now i hate hermione, but keep writing more! ^-^
12/18/2011 c5 7Alquimista
Not bad... but this Hermione is a bit heartless... She don't feel anything for Ron but she is kissing him... using him, to try to 'evade' St.Mungos? this is not very ethical... I hope Ron to know it, and give Hermione something to think about... maybe a bit of distance between Ron and Hermione would be a good thing.

About St.Mungo... I think Hermione can't make anything about it... Hermione situation is serious! No family would let Hermione 'be', without a good professional examination. Not matter what Hermione or Ron, says or do...
12/17/2011 c5 Alexis CharlieBelle
In in my phone, thaw why this message is so...weird. great chapter. Still loving the mystery of everything. The beginning was hot as fuck! Keep it up! And thanks for the poster shout out :)
12/17/2011 c4 lollipop
I love it! Please let it be a pure Romione story and everything Dramione due to dark mafic and forceful.

Please update soon 8=]
12/16/2011 c4 4Charlie Belle
OH. MY. LORD. This has got my mind running, like no other. This is the FIRST HP story I am fully enjoying and wanting more!
12/16/2011 c3 Charlie Belle
Not gonna lie, little confused, but I am still going to read this story. It AMAZING! i like the mystery of it and everything!
12/16/2011 c2 Charlie Belle
ooooooohhhhhh, I am getting into this and liking it. I love this story. Keep up the good work, girl!
12/16/2011 c4 review
it's awesome! keep writing more ^-^
12/15/2011 c1 Charlie Belle
Ok, this is my FIRST H&R fanfic. And I love it so far. The mysterty of what happened to Draco, and that forbidden love concept between them and the secret marriage. I love it. Very creative. I can't wait to read more. Wheels are turning in my head for a banner or something. Great job, Hunter!
12/15/2011 c4 ImissXena
Great update! I can't wait to find out what exactly is happening to Hermione. I feel bad for both Ron and Hermione suffering from this. Ron by seeing her not looking at him anymore with love and Hermione not remembering her love for him. xD
12/15/2011 c4 3Stromsten
Wait, wasn't dream-Draco tragically dead or missing?
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