Just In
for She'll Suck More Than Just Your Blood

1/11/2015 c4 7Sunspot101
when is tomorrow, will you put up the chapter soon?
2/8/2014 c4 2DoctorPain91
Its a good beginning I'm curious to see where ur goin wit it though
12/10/2013 c3 2The.Pumkin.Qween
12/2/2013 c3 Guest
Continue The F*cking Story, You Mug
8/31/2011 c2 1000PaperUnicorns
OH GOD! PLEAASEEE PLEASE UPDATE! I'm begging you. On hands and knees. I really want to know what happens! haha. Failure to update will result in my brain exploding. Literally. Soooo you better get on it! Soon! :)
6/27/2011 c2 darkbishop
i love it lol, if youre still writing this id love to see hoe it develops :)
6/3/2011 c1 un named
Good start. But could you tell us more about Bliss, just what are these power of hers.

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