Just In
for Deadly Differences

1/16 c11
I love this story and it's a shame it's been unfinished for so long. thanks for what you did write.
1/16 c10
WOW, the perfect combination.
1/16 c9
someone killed Sookie? Eric will turn her I hope.
1/3/2019 c11 ellenah
I like this story, even though it looks like you may not be updating anymore. Here's hoping you do!
8/13/2018 c11 9bashfyl
I enjoyed this very much and totally wish there was more. thanks for sharing :D
11/7/2016 c11 Pantherbabe4ever
mmmmmmmm update soon I hope?
10/26/2016 c11 2KitkatMoon
Cool depiction of Sookie as a Vampire/Fea
8/15/2015 c9 cela
don't tell me... the bitch was Debbie pelt?
8/15/2015 c2 cela
eric is such a smooth talker when he wants to be!
8/15/2015 c1 cela
this is a great beginning!
9/11/2014 c11 Casaface
Why are all my favorite stories abandoned? It's the same thing again and again, I love this story. It was getting better and better every chapter. I hope its not just wishful thinking but I hope you come back and finish this story, I really wanna see what happens next.
5/18/2014 c11 tleel
I have enjoyed your story very much. I am not sure if this is the end or if it is still a work in progress, as the story does not say complete. Though you have left it as though it is complete.
4/28/2014 c11 lostaloneNY
So in love with this and hoping you come back to it so I can where you take it (hoping for a Godric/Sookie/Eric and game...te he he)
1/7/2014 c11 cela
is that it? are you going to continue?
1/7/2014 c10 cela
well, this is certainly different. what a neat idea to have her have the best traits of both races.
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