Just In
for The Sorcerer's Apprentices

9/17/2019 c17 a.lost.sparrow
What can I say?
Glorious, absolutely glorious.
I loved how different bits of merlins (long) life coming together to a single path in the future. Merlins uncomfortableness was a welcome change in tone as many fics present this moment as if merlin and Arthur never left each others sides. Merlin's memory isn't indefinite and he was bound to forget some of his time in Camelot as was practically a baby when (compared to his current age and how long he is destined to live) he first met Arthur. I noticed how you left some cliffhangers which you never really explained but that's ok. Other than that I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and hope to find something else of yours which will quell my hunger for fan fiction. Heh

May you find what you seek.
9/16/2016 c1 8General San3
This is an awful story and I hate u
8/13/2015 c17 1jellyblobs
This is a brilliant fic! Some incredibly well planned and skilfully woven story-telling that really brings together the different one shots into a coherent piece. I loved the character depictions - Merlin especially is both wise and almost infallible in all sorts of situations with his abundant experience, but at the same time is entirely human and as emotionally vulnerable as ever. It's also really heart-warming that Morgana, Vivian, Nimueh and Niniane got to redeem themselves in the end - their characters are so much more understandable and realistically complex when they're not painted in black and white.

The experimenting with different styles was adventurous, but well done. Personally, I thought that the transition from chapter 8 to 9 was really clever and it was refreshing to have the story told in the form of a diary/letter, but although Merlin essentially writing to his future sister seemed significant at the time, I never really understood what the significance could be, as it's not alluded to again. I understand that they are still essentially separate stories, but it would have been nice for everything to have been tied together. Also, I'm probably missing something, but I'm still very confused about the paper chapter and it's place in all of this.

Overall, however, I loved your take on the legends, which is faithful, meaningful and tragic, yet still has a nice satisfying ending. Thanks for posting!
8/13/2015 c13 jellyblobs
We really are getting it all! Detective stories and mad scientists :) :) I really like how you finish everything with a quote by the way
8/13/2015 c12 jellyblobs
That was so incredibly sad! I like your take on Niniane's betrayal and you've presented all the characters as humans who can be misguided and make mistakes.
8/12/2015 c5 jellyblobs
That's a very interesting plot line. Merlin is half-fae... Certainly explains his immortality and it's nice to know he'll still have company. Very nice writing - lots of mystery and anticipation :)
8/12/2015 c1 jellyblobs
This is such an adorable idea and so so very sad! Loved the characterisation of Igraine (gentle and loving - so like arthur but different) and Merlin's experienced stoicism. I like how you've made him a teacher and a seer - so wise and almost infallible after so many years and yet still incredibly human. Great work!
3/1/2014 c1 Guest
That's not true. Bob Marley was wrong. Have you ever listened to a incredibly sad song?
1/29/2013 c17 Guest
Amazing brilliant fantastic molto bene
I loved it bookmarked and everything!
12/20/2012 c17 haezofdaust
Holymotherofcheezels. I started reading this fic with a pinch of salt, to be honest, but this I did not expect.

The raw emotions and quirkiness of the whole thing blew me away. The very last line of the first chapter was a killer. I was eating ham and cabbages when I read that and I choked a bit. That line got me downright hooked for the rest of the story.

Also, I never thought any (ANY!) diary entries could possibly be entertaining. But you did it! Merlin's diary entries were enrapturing, to say the least.

Each and every of these semi-oneshots are so very well thought out, all the OCs have their own (very likable, and all intriguing in their own right) personalities - just when I didn't want the previous chapter to end, I would read the next one, and then I wouldn't want that chapter to end instead - and everything really came back full-circle at the end (all the lovely cameos and gang's all here!) and everything finally made sense and - Whew. Thank you very much for this fic! It was one of the best and weirdest I've read!
12/14/2012 c17 mwc288
awesome ending! this was so different, i was always kind of caught between loving it and being afraid of the outcome. but you totally did not disappoint! or make me want to cry in the end. well done!
12/5/2012 c17 Nobody again
Just went back and read my last review. I realized that basically my new review was just waxing not so eloquent eloquence about the same things! Sorry about that, but they are still all true :)

I am
sincerely true,
- The Anonymous Nobody
12/5/2012 c17 Nobody
Hallo, Nobody here!

Aww shucks, you are so sweet!

About Texas - some friends from out of State and I were just talking and we realized that Texans seem to have this strange love of their State. We sometimes seem to have more of a connection to being Texans then being Americans! I never realized, but apparently people from other states don't usually feel this way... Go figure...

Anyway, here is one last rave review from your Friendly Neighborhood State of Nothingness!

- This is quite probably my favorite and the best of all the stories I have read on this site (and I am quite embarrassed to say how many that is...), and it is definitely the best of all the tales of reincarnation! Perhaps the best thing that you have been able to do in this story is have Merlin grow up. For some reason it seems like most authors have not figured out that Merlin
(9?jkn note from my cat walking across the keys...)
is not and can not be the same 1000 years later! You have shown this old Merlin amazingly! If we all sit down and try to imagine the young Merlin we all know and love continuing to life through all of the history between the time of Camelot and the present, then he really would be exactly as you have portrayed him! Merlin is not a completely different person, but he has grown.

- You are also a very good writer, which is an unfortunately rare thing to find on the internet. You had better announce when you get a story published, because I am sure we will all run out to buy it immediately! My dad and my sister are both published authors [I'm the odd one out for just reading :)], so I know what I am talking about :)

- Another thing. Anyone who can make me love Elvis in any way, shape, or form has worked a miracle!

And just because you have finished this tale does not mean you get rid of all your reader that easily! We will all be back as soon as you post your next story :)

I am,
of course,
sincerely true,
in declaring myself,
- Nobody :)
12/4/2012 c17 chele the original
Well the story went out with a bang!Lol I am sorry to see him great that those who were once enemies can now be friends. Arthur ran away from a fight... not
i really enjoyed this story!
12/4/2012 c17 sakiii
What a fun ending! I really enjoyed this story. I'm look forward to your new stories.
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