Just In
for The Sorcerer's Apprentices

11/30/2012 c16 Nobody
Hallo, Nobody here!

Perfectly wonderful, as always!

This is quite possibly, quite probably, the very best Merlin fanfic ever written.
And I am quite serious.

You are maybe the only author who has actually had Merlin grow during the years of Camelot and the return of Arthur!
I can hardly believe it, but it it true!
You may have invented the grown up Merlin :)

Sitting on the edge of my seat until you post the edited epilogue!

I am,
of course,
sincerely true,
in declaring myself,
- Nobody
(your devoted fan, The Anonymous Nobody)
11/30/2012 c16 36Rachel McN
Oh, wow, this is brilliant the way you're tying them all together again. I didn't see the opening of Avalon happening, and the 'curses' occurring... You've written a masterpiece here, and I think it's quite easily my favourite Merlin fic. Very, very well done.
11/29/2012 c16 chele the original
Reunited once now Merlin wont have to be alone for a long while.!Good chapter.
11/29/2012 c7 Nobody
Hallo, Nobody here once again!

Still reading and falling in love with your story all over again each time you repost a chapter :)

I had to write a little review for this beautiful one.
I am rather fond of it as well :)
Given, all Texans are biased towards anything involving their beautiful state! - even if it is only mentioned, this chapter has a Texas feel.

Happy Scribbling!

I am,
of course,
sincerely true,
in declaring myself,
- Nobody
(Your devoted fan, the Anonymous Nobody)
11/28/2012 c15 chele the original
hail hail the gangs almost all
11/26/2012 c14 chele the original
11/26/2012 c14 sakiii
I can't wait to see their reunion :)
11/22/2012 c13 chele the original
What an interesting chapter. o] Well done.I am thankful for the work you do,bringing us the many incarnations of Merlin.!
11/17/2012 c12 Rachel McN
And now I want to cry. Just a little. Aw, who am I kidding (sobs). I love how you keep putting the quotes at the end to draw the main theme in the chapter together ;)
11/16/2012 c12 chele the original
Intense done!
11/13/2012 c11 Rachel McN
Loving the different views of Merlin's (or whoever he claims to be at that time) life. Wonderful writing too; I'll be looking forward to anything you add to this :)
11/12/2012 c11 chele the original
This chapter reminded me of an old television show. called Hogan's Heroes.
Hedda is a crazy
11/12/2012 c10 chele the original
Playing the guitar will get Merlin ,I mean Mervin married?
11/8/2012 c9 chele the original
Excellent. On the edge of your seat suspense.
P.S. I would not betray you Merlin.o]
11/1/2012 c8 chele the original
what interesting lives they have,so many experiences. Merlin meeting old friends.o]
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