Just In
for I saved your life

5/5/2021 c1 Ashkan1383
wow just wow
7/26/2020 c1 Fristylo228
9/4/2018 c1 RockRole
Man I can tell you that your a real great writer I have almost cried about 1 hour not looking at the ending
11/1/2016 c1 2Nbspower
Am I the only person to think that humphrey should of died before kate says sorry and all that crap I mean it heart warming but in a odd way I would of prefer an end where humphrey died saddened and never knows if kate will aver forgive him BTW what did humphrey do to get kate angry
10/7/2016 c1 StahlhelmDean
Aww so sad but it was a great fanfic keep up the good work Chris...
7/25/2016 c1 benjammincarruth1999
I'm crying but amazing story 10/10
12/9/2015 c1 Chris the alpha
This almost made me cry
11/15/2015 c1 brandonirsik200
10/22/2015 c1 Tristen Bradbury
Why dident Kate howled or when hutches potroll came y dident they send any one to get a healer
8/20/2015 c1 Guest
I cried at the end
8/4/2015 c1 Sgt. Humphrey
Really good story . Sure it has a tragic ending but this is what true is about people . Nice work Scarlett. :)
7/26/2015 c1 Lilly Wolfe
by the way if you ever seen the hunger games you will know what I'm tryiing to show you :dooo dooo dooo dooooooo:that means peace and if someone will always will be rememberd humpherys new home now
7/11/2015 c1 Story critic 360
Good story tragedy and bravery keep up the good work
3/20/2015 c1 Guest
no story should have an ending like this
3/1/2015 c1 AlphawofAdam
That was sad it made me cry
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