Just In
for You're an Angel After All

5/7/2002 c9 doujin
GREAT FIC! congratulations to the author! (sorry for reviewing this late it was a month with no civilization in the province so i didn't ge 2 read your last chaps until now) ;p
4/27/2002 c9 7minisignal
Great fic! Love it! My fave character in Slam Dunk is Mitsui too! Keep it up!
4/22/2002 c8 13Cherry Blossoms Kaorin
Hi! Well,i'm glad you decided not to cut it short because it'll be a waste for a nice to end so fast. Honestly, your fic is really good. Mitsui is my favourite SD character too. I really like his hair. Well,that's all. Keep it up!
4/22/2002 c9 8angstmuse
I like the ending... and Rukawa and Sakuragi part too... why does Ru-chan has to be with that do'aho... *wails* actually I was pretty fine with that their constant bickering was pretty funny... :)

I love this! When you write your next fic... do tell me!
4/21/2002 c9 7Liez
this was so sweet, and i loved the ruhana bits. short and simple. ;) do write a sequel.
4/21/2002 c9 6Lady Ice Dragon
Luv your fic! :) check out my two fics yah?
4/21/2002 c9 13AmYzA
The epilogue's really funny, especially Hanamichi! Overally, your story is great too, Mitsui and Keiko sounds so kawaii!
4/21/2002 c8 4cremation-alea
Please! I beg you! Please! Write a sequel to this! I love it!
4/19/2002 c8 6fehrocious
Ha! Sakuragi Keiko and Mitsui Hisashi! Forever! Epilogue! Epilogue! Epilogue! Don't mind me...I'm crazy! Lol not really...^^;; is stock full with Mitsui fics these days, ne?

4/19/2002 c8 8angstmuse
They kissed! That's like so yummy... and Sakuragi-kun was looking ne

I liked the way he taught her basketball and stuff, you make Mitsui sound sooooo nice! OMG, it is so good...

Please carry on!
4/17/2002 c7 doujin
oooooh! they're all alooone! hehehehe ;p [pity keiko that her brothers love sick!] ;p
4/16/2002 c4 13Cherry Blossoms Kaorin
Hi! Nice fic. I just saved one chapter & when ithe next time,i tried 2 search 4 this fic 2 see if it's update but i didn't c it ur fic in the search results.i probably miss it.well,i luv ur fic!
4/16/2002 c7 8angstmuse
this is going to be soo cute...

mitsui teaching the rebellious look-and-behave-alike-Hanamichi basketball...

4/12/2002 c5 K-chan
mitchan! ^_^ i'm liking this story... keep on writing, can't wait for the next chapter..
4/12/2002 c5 doujin
*ouch* that hurts! poor mitsui... way to go, keiko! girls rule! ;p btw, you're doing great! ;p
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