Just In
for Homecoming

6/17/2011 c7 Your biggest fan
More! Please come on this is very good I feel like I'm watching the second part of the movie! Your awesome! Write more please!
6/17/2011 c7 Your biggest fan
More! Please come on this is very good I feel like I'm watching the second part of the movie! Your awesome! Write more please!
6/17/2011 c7 blood
what snotlout did isn't right my bloodlust maybe unquenchable but not when its inocent blood.

the best punishment would be to banish him FOREVER.

please don't let any thing happen to astrid or her new kid or kids *hint* *hint*
6/17/2011 c7 EQUANOX
not bad kid not bad at all don't stop here keep going
6/17/2011 c7 dryad
i got a story that you'll like (setting two months after the war ended time early morning) "we're almost home buddy" said hiccup a little disapointed even though his first flight was months ago he still couldn't stand being out of the skies. "oh no" said hiccup when berk came into view he was shocked him dragons and humans fighting again a few seconds later astrid, ruffnut, tuffnut, fishlegs, and snotlout flew towards hiccup. "guys whats going on" said hiccup "we don't know" said ruffnut "we all woke up to fighting" finished tuffnut "stoicks trying to calm it down but is having almost no luck" said snotlout. "toothless lets breack it up" said hiccup a bit agravated. with that toothless let out an ear shattering roar that made every one cover their ears all the dragons like the vikings feared the night fury and apon hearing it lined up as hiccup had trained the giant reaptiles to do apon hearing toothless' call "crude yet afective" said fishlegs. then hiccup and toothless landed between them with the other teens behind them the vikings on the left dragon on the right. hiccup and toothless had angry expresions on their faces then simaltainiasly looked at the vikings then at then between the two groups. hiccup rubbed the bridge of his nose with thumb and index finger. "exalent work hiccu-" started stoick before held up a hand for silence. still rubbing the bridge of he took a deep breath then exhailed to relax himself. "ok simple question WHAT IN THE NAME OF ASGARD IS GOING ON HERE? I'M GONE FOR AN HOUR AND THE WAR START ALL OVER AGAIN. this shocked everyone even toothless no body had ever seen hiccups rage reach this level. the look of complete anger and fury seemed completely alien even stoick couldn't tell this person was his son. "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE START TALKING" yelled hiccup as he dismounted. bob the sled walked forward "i was feeding the dragons then that ungrateful beast took one look in the food bowl and attacked me for no good reason" said bob gestering to an orange gronkle known as burner "is that true burner" the dragon shook its head rushed over to hiccup and started tugging his vest toward the food bowl hiccup looked inside and was shocked at what he saw."bob why are these in the food bowl" said hiccup as he reached in and pulled out three eels. the dragons hissed at the sight of the disgusting creature "i thought i told you NEVER FEED DRAGONS EELS YET THE FOOD BOWL IS FILLED WITH THEM ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US? yelled hiccup "calm down son no one was hurt and the damage isn't that bad" said stoik tring to calm his son down "right right uh dad mind if i take command for a minute" asked hiccup "of course" answerd stoick "ALRIGHT YOU MEN GET THESE EELS OUT OF THE FOOD BOWL AND BOB GET SOME FISH THIS TIME WHILE WE CLEAN UP YOUR MESS" (BASICLY THIS STORY IS ABOUT PUTING EVERY ONE IN HICCUPS SHOES)
6/16/2011 c6 1IdaAreIda
hmmm, i kinda liked this chapter, but i'd like to hear more about how the DragonBone villagers is going to live on. Are they going to rebuild DragonBone? or are they going to start living in Berk? Please continue i like this story!
6/16/2011 c6 14D-ZombieDragon
I can just imagine what happens next!

Astrid: "I'm pregnant!"

Hiccup: "You're...what?"

Astrid: "Pregnant!"

Hiccup: *faints*

Certain people better not get in Astrid's way. *cough cough* Snotlout *cough cough*

This is a great story! Hope to see more soon! :D
6/16/2011 c6 112Ze Great Camicazi
I sense a fainting hiccup in the near future
6/16/2011 c6 blood
i just thought of another good way to bring pain to snotlouts life. (setting after dinner in the great hall after stoick makes an anouncemant about astrids 'condition')

snotlout makes astrid mad...wait what am i saying mad doesn't begin to describe how pissed off she is everyones gathers around to watch the carnage

snotlout is backing away in fear from a slowly aprouching astrid.

"hiccup say something she's your wife" says snotlout "it was nice knowing snotlout" replies hiccup giving him a good by wave

"guys help me" cries snotlout to the twins and fishlegs who just hold up their hands in defence and take a few steps back

"dad do something" yells snotlout to his father

"get in the way of angry pregnant woman you think i'm mad boy" says snotlouts dad

"chief" shreiks snotlout as he backs agenst a large bolder knees shaking and an angry astrid getting closer

"you made your bed now sleep in it" says stoick crossing

and who come to snotlouts rescue austin
6/16/2011 c6 ello govna
elloo what's this astrid knocked up wonder who gave you that idea hears a little thought to put some humor into the story hiccup goes wide eyed and just flat out faints.
6/16/2011 c6 blood
hello my friend i blood have returned.

so astrid's knocked up now huh wow any chance it'll be twins.

my bloodlust still torments me and no doubt astrid's gonna be twice as pissed off from pregnancy hormones wonder who she'll take it out on

cough snotlout cough.
6/16/2011 c6 6Voldyne
I do like this story, only nitpick would be the errors I would suggest you slow down and read the chapters over and over. even better would be to write a chapter, leave it for a day, then read it. I find that helps me find all the spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. other wise I really do like this story. great work looking forward to more.
6/15/2011 c5 ello govna
what if astrid gets knocked up again
6/15/2011 c5 1IdaAreIda
I liked this chapter, but it was a little plain. Next time i hope for some more drama!
6/14/2011 c2 gossup girl
i think it was pretty boring beacause there wasnt enough romance i am a girl and i need romance in books there is only one part of romance that is not a story it needs intamacy with kissing and huging
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