6/14/2011 c5 blood
you used my idea wow thanks thanks alot but a stomp on the foot?
he's lucky she didn't give a swift kick to the nuts for hurting her son.
that's what i would have done
you used my idea wow thanks thanks alot but a stomp on the foot?
he's lucky she didn't give a swift kick to the nuts for hurting her son.
that's what i would have done
6/14/2011 c5 12hobbitblogger221B
HAHA! I tickle my 9 year old sister like that all the time! She'll refuse to surrender, but a few seconds later, she'll cry, "Uncle! Uncle!" Then my mom will come in all confused. It's the best!
HAHA! I tickle my 9 year old sister like that all the time! She'll refuse to surrender, but a few seconds later, she'll cry, "Uncle! Uncle!" Then my mom will come in all confused. It's the best!
6/14/2011 c5 2u r awesome
HAHA this SOOOOO GOOD! EEP! i LOVED the part where you describe the game between hiccup and austin! HAHA and the line where snotlout comes in and astrid says "...If I see you around anyone of my family again, I'll cut off your manhood and turn you into a woman!" is hilarious! I could already picture a face snotlout would make! PRICELESS! HAHA
Cant wait till you update
- u r awesome
HAHA this SOOOOO GOOD! EEP! i LOVED the part where you describe the game between hiccup and austin! HAHA and the line where snotlout comes in and astrid says "...If I see you around anyone of my family again, I'll cut off your manhood and turn you into a woman!" is hilarious! I could already picture a face snotlout would make! PRICELESS! HAHA
Cant wait till you update
- u r awesome
6/13/2011 c4 blood
the name means alot more.
I think snotlout got of to easy.
my thirst for blood is more like a hunger.
here's an idea astrid meets with snotlout and says if he ever does something like that again she'll cut off his manhood and turn him into a woman
the name means alot more.
I think snotlout got of to easy.
my thirst for blood is more like a hunger.
here's an idea astrid meets with snotlout and says if he ever does something like that again she'll cut off his manhood and turn him into a woman
6/13/2011 c4 2u r awesome
Wow this was GREAT! I LOVED IT! haha hiccup beats snotlout! Awesome! I can't wait till you update!
- u r awesome
Wow this was GREAT! I LOVED IT! haha hiccup beats snotlout! Awesome! I can't wait till you update!
- u r awesome
6/13/2011 c4 1IdaAreIda
I just faved this yesterday to continue reading it today. I must say that i love it so far. I think Hiccups reasons for leaving Berk wasen't very... reasonable? i thought in the end of the movie he looked glad at the changes, but it's your story so i'm just going with the flow :D
I think it's a nice little family Hiccup got there, and i could VERY much get used to it :) Also i think it's nice that you made Astrid become Snotlout's wife-to-be, to get some rivally in the story :)
ALSO i think that it was awesome that Hiccups could beat Snotlout's ass, but i don't think that he could have walked from the battle unhurt. C'mon give me one little wound, yeah? :D
I very much like this story so far, and i really hope that you'll continue to update and keep up your great writing cuz' i think this is very interesting :)
I just faved this yesterday to continue reading it today. I must say that i love it so far. I think Hiccups reasons for leaving Berk wasen't very... reasonable? i thought in the end of the movie he looked glad at the changes, but it's your story so i'm just going with the flow :D
I think it's a nice little family Hiccup got there, and i could VERY much get used to it :) Also i think it's nice that you made Astrid become Snotlout's wife-to-be, to get some rivally in the story :)
ALSO i think that it was awesome that Hiccups could beat Snotlout's ass, but i don't think that he could have walked from the battle unhurt. C'mon give me one little wound, yeah? :D
I very much like this story so far, and i really hope that you'll continue to update and keep up your great writing cuz' i think this is very interesting :)
6/13/2011 c4 abc
6/13/2011 c4 chaos king
briliance sheer briliance this story is perfection at its greateset
briliance sheer briliance this story is perfection at its greateset
6/12/2011 c3 Guest
that is awesome update soon!
that is awesome update soon!
6/12/2011 c3 2u r awesome
OMG. This is like SO good. eep. You have to update soon I absolutely love it.
Haha it's a great story can't wait till you update.
Whoo. You know maybe you should add jealousy. Just a suggestion but I like it how it is. Keep doing your thing. Whoo. This is a great story.
- u r awesome
OMG. This is like SO good. eep. You have to update soon I absolutely love it.
Haha it's a great story can't wait till you update.
Whoo. You know maybe you should add jealousy. Just a suggestion but I like it how it is. Keep doing your thing. Whoo. This is a great story.
- u r awesome
6/12/2011 c3 4Professor Raye Starlite
Wonderful story. Keep going right the way you've been. I await the next chapter.
Wonderful story. Keep going right the way you've been. I await the next chapter.
6/12/2011 c3 chaos king
ok now it's getting interesting. your almost as good voldyn almost.
ok now it's getting interesting. your almost as good voldyn almost.