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6/12/2011 c3 Twin1
I see you have update the right chapter this time :) Hope you update soon :D
6/12/2011 c3 Voldyne
Right that makes no sense did you upload the wrong chapter? How did they get on the boat where did the teens come from? Think oh need to go back and make some corrections
6/12/2011 c3 Twin1
I think you have updated the wrong chapter for this. You have done a repeat of you other story 'how to be a pirate'. Also hope you update both story's soon they are good :)
6/12/2011 c3 Guest
Youve seem to have done a repeat on chapter 3 from your story 'how to be a pirate' on this as well as being wrong story!
6/12/2011 c2 40Spyridon
The overall plot is good but the details are not meshing together. The Roman empire fell in 476AD. Naval use of the cannon didn't develop until the 13th century and wasn't widely used until the 14th century. Also, the Roman Navy was used in a supporting role in almost every case. The Romans were a primarily land based military so they would land on the other side of the island and attack by land. As for the high chair, I don't think they were made until probably during the Industrial Revolution.
6/12/2011 c2 choas king
a longer chapter nice oh sorry about the two identical reviews there was a problem with my computer post soon please
6/11/2011 c2 2u r awesome
Wow please update soon ! I LOVE IT!

- u r awesome
6/11/2011 c1 Voldyne
interesting prolouge, i look forward to the next chapter
6/11/2011 c1 chaos king
i think i know were this story is going hopefully the other chapters will be longer and hopefully their will be many of them
6/11/2011 c1 chaos king
i think i know were this story is going hopefully the other chapters will be longer and hopefully their will be many of them
6/11/2011 c1 2script.errol
ok you got me, hock line and sinker. keep writing, i wanna know more :)
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