7/24/2014 c19 Guest
Chapter 19. The story will go on! YEAH RIGHT!
Chapter 19. The story will go on! YEAH RIGHT!
6/26/2014 c19 Eruel
6/22/2014 c19 Guest
The story will go on then why HASNT IT!
The story will go on then why HASNT IT!
6/18/2014 c19 Lightclaw's Shadow
I love this story. I can't wait to see the rewrite version
I hope it's soon.
I love this story. I can't wait to see the rewrite version
I hope it's soon.
5/25/2014 c1 Guest
Gasp! I wonder were they will go?
Gasp! I wonder were they will go?
5/24/2014 c4 luli585
that quote about shoving eyes down the throat. i forgot where it came from. i dont think it was this movie. where is it from
that quote about shoving eyes down the throat. i forgot where it came from. i dont think it was this movie. where is it from
5/24/2014 c19 Guest
Its hard to belive that your not abandaing this story, since youve ABONDONED HUNDREDS OF OTHER PERFECTLY GOOD STORIES!
Its hard to belive that your not abandaing this story, since youve ABONDONED HUNDREDS OF OTHER PERFECTLY GOOD STORIES!
2/19/2014 c18 robinson
i think this went very well and i tink hiccup can give snotlout his last chance and if he braces it his not living anymore or just give him priviliges to vist family and get food and then go back. I hope this helps you orr something .can you please put when the next chapter is coming please
i think this went very well and i tink hiccup can give snotlout his last chance and if he braces it his not living anymore or just give him priviliges to vist family and get food and then go back. I hope this helps you orr something .can you please put when the next chapter is coming please
1/6/2014 c18 silverwolf
will Austin get his own dragon and whats their history with Alvin
will Austin get his own dragon and whats their history with Alvin