11/1/2012 c4 Lordrutabaga25
... dear god in hevean yoiu have done what i always wanted hiccup to do to snotlout you are a genius thank you soooo much for hiccup kicking his cocky rear end :D
... dear god in hevean yoiu have done what i always wanted hiccup to do to snotlout you are a genius thank you soooo much for hiccup kicking his cocky rear end :D
8/10/2012 c18 redwolf23456
Great story as always can't wait for to finish it and all you other storys too.
Great story as always can't wait for to finish it and all you other storys too.
6/24/2012 c18 adam
Hey just finished reading ur story wen U gonna start writing again I love this its incredable
Hey just finished reading ur story wen U gonna start writing again I love this its incredable
11/13/2011 c17 Orquwen
Okay you better write those next chapters or im comin after you with a bazooka! btw great story!
Okay you better write those next chapters or im comin after you with a bazooka! btw great story!
10/20/2011 c12 Guest
In the real world evil men don't give kidnapped little children the facts. They try to brainwash them.
In the real world evil men don't give kidnapped little children the facts. They try to brainwash them.
10/10/2011 c17
24Beastial Moon
Attention Author!
Where's the chapter!
I mean, I can understand A/N's that say somethingabout infrequent updates, but this is pointless. Put it on your profile page, or at the VERY least, at the beginning or end of a chapter!
Mood: Dissapointed

Attention Author!
Where's the chapter!
I mean, I can understand A/N's that say somethingabout infrequent updates, but this is pointless. Put it on your profile page, or at the VERY least, at the beginning or end of a chapter!
Mood: Dissapointed
10/9/2011 c16 shunxalice
Yeah too lazy to log on...OH THAT EFFIN BASTARD! *repeatedly stabs a needle on a small doll that looks like Alvin*
Alvin: Ouch! OWW! OUCH! *starts bleeding*
But seriously? That freaking douche bag needs to die! And what kind of name is Alvin? Everytime I read about Alvin in the HTTYD stories I think of Alvin and the chipmucks. ^^; hehe! I feel so bad for Hiccup and Austin! At least they're together. I wonder what's Snoutlout's plan...:))) can't wait to read more! UPDATE SOON!
Yeah too lazy to log on...OH THAT EFFIN BASTARD! *repeatedly stabs a needle on a small doll that looks like Alvin*
Alvin: Ouch! OWW! OUCH! *starts bleeding*
But seriously? That freaking douche bag needs to die! And what kind of name is Alvin? Everytime I read about Alvin in the HTTYD stories I think of Alvin and the chipmucks. ^^; hehe! I feel so bad for Hiccup and Austin! At least they're together. I wonder what's Snoutlout's plan...:))) can't wait to read more! UPDATE SOON!
10/8/2011 c16 AngetianPrincess18
Ohhhohoho, the suspense is killing me. I can't wait to see more action especially from Snotlout. Update soon please.
(P.S. Signing my pen name at the end of a review is my way of saying "Excellent Story!")
Ohhhohoho, the suspense is killing me. I can't wait to see more action especially from Snotlout. Update soon please.
(P.S. Signing my pen name at the end of a review is my way of saying "Excellent Story!")