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11/1/2012 c4 Lordrutabaga25
... dear god in hevean yoiu have done what i always wanted hiccup to do to snotlout you are a genius thank you soooo much for hiccup kicking his cocky rear end :D
8/18/2012 c18 16The Bonecrusher Hyena
Awesome story! :)
8/10/2012 c18 redwolf23456
Great story as always can't wait for to finish it and all you other storys too.
7/7/2012 c18 23TheAngelofIego
OMG! there is more right? I hope so! update sooooon!
6/24/2012 c18 adam
Hey just finished reading ur story wen U gonna start writing again I love this its incredable
4/8/2012 c4 4Txuritan
You put Alpha and Omega in the story lol!

12/20/2011 c17 werewolves1999
Continue please
11/27/2011 c3 1Orquwen
I LOVE IT! Write the next chapter!
11/13/2011 c17 Orquwen
Okay you better write those next chapters or im comin after you with a bazooka! btw great story!
10/20/2011 c12 Guest
In the real world evil men don't give kidnapped little children the facts. They try to brainwash them.
10/16/2011 c16 Katwizzle
awww! cant wait for next chapter 3
10/10/2011 c16 Bearybeary
Now that a family reunion.
10/10/2011 c17 24Beastial Moon
Attention Author!

Where's the chapter!

I mean, I can understand A/N's that say somethingabout infrequent updates, but this is pointless. Put it on your profile page, or at the VERY least, at the beginning or end of a chapter!

Mood: Dissapointed
10/9/2011 c16 shunxalice
Yeah too lazy to log on...OH THAT EFFIN BASTARD! *repeatedly stabs a needle on a small doll that looks like Alvin*

Alvin: Ouch! OWW! OUCH! *starts bleeding*

But seriously? That freaking douche bag needs to die! And what kind of name is Alvin? Everytime I read about Alvin in the HTTYD stories I think of Alvin and the chipmucks. ^^; hehe! I feel so bad for Hiccup and Austin! At least they're together. I wonder what's Snoutlout's plan...:))) can't wait to read more! UPDATE SOON!
10/8/2011 c16 AngetianPrincess18
Ohhhohoho, the suspense is killing me. I can't wait to see more action especially from Snotlout. Update soon please.


(P.S. Signing my pen name at the end of a review is my way of saying "Excellent Story!")
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