Just In
for Homecoming

6/23/2011 c2 JanessaVR
I'm a bit curious to know more, but it's annoying to see Astrid so Chickified. She was the closest thing Berk had to a living, breathing *valkyrie* and now she's reduced to a housewife who meekly says "Yes, dear" when her husband *orders* her to avoid combat and huddle away in the forest with the other women and children. Rather insulting to her character, to the point where I have ask who is this imposter who shares her name. Some relevant pages you might want to examine at - Chickification, Stay In The Kitchen (both certainly seem to apply here).
6/23/2011 c8 i am number 1
i know this is going to be alot to ask but would you ask bardess of avalon to let anonamis readers the i want to appologize for what i said.
6/23/2011 c1 HiyaKitty
Story sounds romantic so far
6/22/2011 c8 pieoflozhttyd
Really awesome! Please update soon!
6/21/2011 c8 Marrow365
What the - wish he has gots some issues

I wanna see if his rents live or not so update soon
6/21/2011 c8 ello govna
how about this after the fire is put out hiccup says to flint "still think snotlout would be a better son-in-law".

the hoffersons let snotlouts parents live with them until their new home is built
6/21/2011 c8 blood
time for snotlout to experience more shame if the villagers of dragonbone do choose to stay then i guess snotlout burning their village to the ground won't matter.

but if he returns to anounce it he's gonna get laughed at big time.
6/21/2011 c5 donny
this is the forth time ive read this and i gotta ask what happens to tuff and sapphire do they get together and do they hardly get along or get along really well and i'm guessing the the gang minus snotlout are really pi**** at all of what he did.
6/21/2011 c8 blood
the next chapter should start with every one trying to put out the fire at the fire if you already started than ignore this

hows this stoik thinks long and hard about who should take over

and see how well the two tribes get along and what it would be like when they left later he asks hiccup about his tribe staying on burk for good.

will they stay or go and what will snotlouts parents do for a home.

you choose
6/21/2011 c8 bro
duuuuude you got a review from EQUENOX he's like the hardest story cridic to impress their is and almost nobody get more than a "not bad kid not bad".

and from reading your story i can see why your awsome dude i gotta go major waves down at the beach catch you on the flipside brah
6/21/2011 c8 112Ze Great Camicazi
Wow I never thought even snotlout was that mean
6/21/2011 c8 blood
ah justice its taste is sweeter than guilty blood.

you have done well whats say we be friends if so just post a review.

i just need to know what you think of all the ideas i gave you and how you think the story should go.

another thing hiccup already has a son so it only makes sence that the new kid should be a girl.

but snotlout isn't really that bad in the movie a suckup maybe but hey it's your story your the boss i'm just an anonamis reader.
6/20/2011 c8 2u r awesome
Omg! This is epic! Ahhh! I'm so sorry I haven't reviewed for a long time. I haven't checked my email in a long time so didn't know that you updated, but im happy that you did update. I LOVE THIS STORY! I can't wait till you update this story again!

- u r awesome
6/19/2011 c7 Marrow365
Oh... My...God! That is horrible and the blood! Oh he is soooo gunna die! Update soon so I can findout what will happen.
6/18/2011 c7 blood
i my hunger for blood but not when its the blood of the inocent

what snotlout did is unforgiveable he deserves to be banished to the dragons nest to rot

he should not be aloud to become chief why can't they all stay on berk

everyone should hate him even his dragon
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