Just In
for Carnival Man

8/3/2020 c1 Guest
Very cute! I loved it
12/11/2014 c1 SHDWSAMNGUS
I also like your summary :)
12/11/2014 c1 SHDWSAMNGUS
Hm normally I don't review that often especially when an author asks but then I read your AN at the bottom so here I am, reviewing. This is really good I liked their interaction. It would be cool if you continued but it's also nice as it is. Nice work :)
11/25/2013 c1 1Lady Spain
Awwww thats so cuteee
6/15/2013 c1 1BVBotaku
6/8/2012 c1 21Nano.yaoi
This was soo awesome! Amazingly sweet naruto and cute sasuke put together is love :DD
8/18/2011 c1 7dazynl8
I wasn't going to review this. But your A/N at the bottom was so convincing...I was all "oh hell to the no you ain't dissing my button-pushing abilities D8". LOL, jokes, I'm a sucker for grovelling anyway. ;)

anyway, good story. A little fast-paced, but it was cute and mushy, like you said, and surprisingly very believable, at least of Naruto. the idiot. XD Oh and I loved your story summary. The main reason why I clicked you story, actually. It was really funny. As in, I'm rofling funny. "Tomatoes are red, my eyes are blue, be mine Sasuke, my shoes are new"...ahhhhahahahahaha. love it. I love it.

7/21/2011 c1 11I'm NO Angel haha

That had got to be the most adorable, sweetest and cutest thing I've ever read.

Great job. This story so deserves more reviews.
7/19/2011 c1 AnAverageDreamer
So cute~ I loved it!
7/4/2011 c1 24NICHA
Aw, snap. that's the first thing that i conclude whenever i see a man with another man:

"Dude, I totally turned him gay"

6/13/2011 c1 mimimichan
Awww Naruto's such a sweetheart when he's determined!
6/12/2011 c1 8SesshyLover132
It's a good kind of mushy :3
6/12/2011 c1 18muuu
how adorable :D

and DDDD: NUUU~ dumb girl, ditching some ramen-loving blonde goodness 3

thanks for sharing~

P.S. you write well :]
6/12/2011 c1 Lucy Ash Hawthorne
ix what i see in u up for adoption?
6/12/2011 c1 moopad
Awwwww Soo Cutee

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