Just In
for Where life leads them to

8/20/2011 c14 EMILY0908
I like the editing. I too am addicted to criminal minds! Yes that scene was intense. Whooohoo there is a nurse named Emily :) Sorry random outbursts here... Love it.
8/16/2011 c14 16MmmSuite
Poor Letty! And poor Suki! No one's safe!

You definitely showed that Mario is twisted.
8/4/2011 c13 MmmSuite

Oh my gosh! My heart aches right now!

What to say towards that? Uh, I don't know. Wow!

"What can't you love me?" Because you raped and beat me and locked me in a room with no windows with a toddler and newborn.

Wow! I'm need to drink and I don't drink ever.
7/27/2011 c12 4xsparklesthemagicalunicornx sweet. It's so weird thinking of Letty and Rome together! Lol.

Sorry it took me so long to review.

Keep up the good work

7/22/2011 c12 16MmmSuite
Dun dun dun...

So oh my gosh to the nursery! *cries*

And oh my gosh to no one telling Dom Letty is alive. I don't like that at all. I think he needs new friends and family.

I also think Letty and Rome are moving too fast and need to slow things down a bit. Enough some that Dom can get in the mix. LOL

A night to regret? Hmm...
7/21/2011 c12 43STR8BKCHICK
Very cute. I must admit.. Although I hate Dom and petty not together in your story... u write Rome and letty very cute!

Liked this chapter
7/19/2011 c11 16MmmSuite
There is a lot of unprotected sex in the Fast and the Furious! Haha!

Anyways, I have no clue how Letty thinks she's going to the same city as Dom with HIS twin babies and not going to be with him! HA! I don't believe it!

Rome better bun up with this new chick of Dom's! It's not happening!
7/14/2011 c10 4xsparklesthemagicalunicornx
Damn totally sucks to be Dom right now across the spectrum (both your stories lol) hopes everything gets better!

7/14/2011 c10 16MmmSuite
Wow! Even though I don't want this chick with Dom, I don't want her and her kids to die. This is edge of your seat entertainment! I agree it's DRAMATIC!
7/13/2011 c10 43STR8BKCHICK
DAMNNNN! You have hecka drama! So first, the fact that Rome is punishing Brian into coming clean..just, wow..can't believe that Brian would do that to Dom.

The fact that Elena might be going after Letty...its gonna be chaos if this is the way he finds out about her being alive and and them having kids

The fact that sleezy mario shows up and kidnaps Anny and the kids and it sounds like he's taking them to meet Dom and Letty's first son...whew...too much for me!

Dom may have a damn heart attack!

More soon!
7/10/2011 c9 4xsparklesthemagicalunicornx
Oh dear, can't catch a break can they? Good work! Keep it up!

7/9/2011 c9 16MmmSuite
Mmmm mmmm! More suspense!

What is this "I'm not leaving you stuff"? AHHHHH!

Secret baby is where now?
7/7/2011 c8 4xsparklesthemagicalunicornx
Aw Doms all cute with the babies...

Great writing- very suspenseful...what's going to happen? lol

7/6/2011 c8 16MmmSuite
Oh my! I love Vince as a family man! How sweet. We didn't get enough of that in the movies!

Dom is so cute with the baby. Where's this mystery child? I need to know NOW! Hahaha!

Come on reunion! I can't wait. But it sucks that someone's world is going to be rocked and rocked hard and people are going to be hurt no matter what.

Bring on the pain! LOL

Oh, I finally rewatched Knockaround Guys!
7/5/2011 c7 4xsparklesthemagicalunicornx
Oh sad face- Dom is off to Jail...

great writing! Keep it up

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