Just In
for What's An EBay?

6/20/2017 c1 9Em Tornado
2/13/2017 c1 Athens1399
HILARIOUS! I love it great idea !
10/27/2016 c1 deletedandabandoned
This is pretty OOC, but I love the two! Making a story so short into a story so interesting takes a lot of skill!
12/5/2013 c1 1BabyBritt
It's so cute!
1/6/2013 c1 4DauntlessShadowhunterTribute
oh, jace. the glutton maniac.
8/14/2012 c1 5AngelfromBeyondBelow
very funny, Jace is probably going to be worse than Izzy would be
6/24/2012 c1 2Ginevra Annabeth Herondale
Funny! Great story!
3/5/2012 c1 blalala
Impressive, LOL Jace wants to bye more hahaha xD
10/30/2011 c1 4love-that-Lovelace
Let's Buy More!

Love it 3
7/25/2011 c1 kinanbon x3
hahah Jace on EBay xD love this!

7/23/2011 c1 vicfuentits
LMAO this literally made my day. xD
6/18/2011 c1 The Secret Slytherin
6/17/2011 c1 5Immortal42
That was pretty funny. Though you got the quote a bit wrong, but I forgive you. :)
6/17/2011 c1 27StevieRae2011
Nice. Lovely. Hilarious. Nice work!
6/17/2011 c1 11everyrosehasitsthornxx
Aha, that was SO cute!

Although the buying more part was kinda OOC but hey, maybe you can be like, let's max out her credit card! LOL

But that was adorable.



P.S. Idk why everyone does this but when you are saying like "I want pie," Izzy said then it's a comma not a period unless it's just "I like pie."
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