Just In
for In A Moment

7/4/2017 c10 BBCbabe752
I really appreciated this fic. I feel like Peter and Neal were very in character. This is the first White Collar fanfic where I liked Neal shipped with an OC and thought it was well written. Rae was a likeable character and I admired her persistence. I'm a bit of a Kate-basher myself so I think that makes me a little biased. Great work!
3/7/2017 c10 3PastOneonta
This was very good. I ordinarily review each chapter but had time to read all the way through so I am only posting one review. The story deserves more reviews, truly, it is very good. It has a good plot, great characters behaving consistently, a dramatic finish, surprises, and a Neal we know and love. Peter is very good, Mozzie is very good. Your original character Rae is fascinating. She and Neal might work as a couple, you can see their loneliness and hope. Neal has to recover from Kate. And why, oh why, did Kate betray him so badly? I would love to see more of Rae and Neal and an answer to that question. But regretfully I don't think you are writing anymore. So thank you for this, for sharing, for finishing, and for leaving it posted for new readers.
5/21/2013 c10 x Varda x
I love this story sooo much! Outsider POV is fantastic and I like how the relationship grows between Rae and Neal throughout. Poor Neal too, but that's part of the fun of it :)
12/30/2012 c10 48BlueDiamondStar
awww...! totally adorable.
12/29/2012 c8 BlueDiamondStar
OMG this chapter has just given me the most 'stomach-muscles-torturing' laugh like in a week.
And biggest 'awwws' for the day xD
12/29/2012 c6 BlueDiamondStar
OMG the dog was totally adorable!
WOW that song again! I haven't stopped rewatching that clip from YT...
Holy...! Kate? oh poor Neal *.*
And I so like Rea!
12/29/2012 c3 BlueDiamondStar
Hughes seemed OOC here but guess it's for the purposes of the story.
And wow, Rea actually cares for Neal!
this chapter lifted my hopes ;)
12/29/2012 c2 BlueDiamondStar
wow! i'm already heavily drooling over those cars. Mustang's my top #1 fave here too. and next two are Lamborghini and Ferrari.

*stopping drool-fest and onto next chapter:)*
10/22/2011 c2 7mam711
I'm enjoying the story so far, but having multiple characters talking in the same paragraph is really confusing at times.
10/16/2011 c10 8govgal
very nice!
9/14/2011 c7 govgal
I love it when Peter makes Neal speechless!
9/13/2011 c6 2SK Musings
So glad to see another chapter up for this fic ... I have really been enjoying it. Rae is a good match for Neal (err ... Wedgwood). Love that she got him a dog. Hope to see a new chapter up soon!
9/12/2011 c6 8govgal
nicely done! I'm so glad Rae is on Neal's side, especially after the last note. creepy!
7/13/2011 c3 7AliWC
:D this is a good story. Your OC is not annoying; that's always a good start!

I do like the premise of this AU, I look forward to your next chapter.

It would be easier to understand who was talking if you gave each new speaker's dialogue a new paragraph or at least a new line.

A very good first fic!
7/12/2011 c3 5SerialChick
Nice chapter. Go Rae!

Hughes was a little OOC in this but I guess every story needs a bad guy. I'm guessing Neal and Rae are going to become a thing? I like her, she's awesome. Great driver, computer nerd and protector of con-men. Update again soon!

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