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for Fan Fiction, Sex Gods and Single Girls

8/23 c49 Newstartrielle
Bro u wouldn't believe I have a friend named Stella brown what r the odds lol
5/13 c73 Liane1208
omggggggg. i cant believe it's over. *sobbing*

thank you so much for sharing your incredible words with us. you have truly given us a gift. <3
5/12 c61 Liane1208
i cannot BELIEVE ive been reading twilight fanfiction for nearing 15 years now and ive only JUST read the word "cullen-lingus"

you, my dear, are a wordsmith of the finest and punniest quality.
5/9 c33 Liane1208
awwwww snap! *what* is Ethanward gonna do now?!
5/8 c28 Liane1208
ok, i almost always just review once i finish a fic, but i have to tell you, im LOVING the fic within a fic. and you have an amazing way with words. im not usually an lol kind of person, but i have absolutely been giggling at my phone. i havent read a fic this good in a long time and im so grateful that you have gifted us edward's double *salute,* FOR FREE even. really, you spoil us. ive also been having fun trying to figure out who the reviewers of bella's fic are, or if they're canon characters to begin with.

anyway, i love it, and im so glad i have many more chapters to go until the end.

Liane <3
4/17 c73 Camila0803
Amei amei amei amei
3/27 c36 TwilightLv
I am reading this again for like the hundredth time. My life is up in shambles right now and this story has been the only thing that can make me laugh out loud (as usual). I thank you. I am so grateful. I also wish I had an awesome friend like Angela in this story. Blessings.
1/18 c26 musemum
I'm re-reading this wonderful story for the umpteenth time... it's still fabulousso cleverly written... love it, love it, love it !
9/14/2023 c10 1SpaztasticNerd
ugh BELLA NO! She's giving me so me so much second hand anxiety! I love it though!
8/4/2023 c2 Guest
You know I have read many first meetings or meet cute but hands down this was the best first meeting
7/22/2023 c25 itsoverkill
I know you published this story many years ago but I am just coming across it and I love it! It's clever and witty and very creative! Thanks for sharing!
7/20/2023 c33 Guest
I’m sobbing this is such a mess and I love it
7/19/2023 c26 Guest
UrDifficult2Read is the funniest name for a review ever. Like so direct and to the point XD
7/19/2023 c24 Guest
Hey! Loving the story but some of the tones are misogynistic. For example the quote “And of course it had been easier as time went by, to encourage a chase with self-assured, aggressive woman. You mean a bimbo.” Self assured, aggressive men are seen as powerful and suave but for women it’s that they are bimbos? Kinda rude tbh. Also saying “innocent” instead of virgin is based in the idea that virginal people are pure and holy whereas women who have had sex are seen as used and sinful. That’s not a great message to send to any girls reading this. Like I said, love the story and I realize it’s been completed for quite a while so these comments won’t change anything. But I did want to voice my opinion on those themes in the story. It’s still a really fun read! Thanks for writing.
6/24/2023 c73 Daisy57
I loved this story very much thank you for sharing. Regards Toni
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