Just In
for Cleaning no Jutsu

10/12 c7 7b4tling
Rereading this fic because you made me kinda fall in love with Gai's character lol I've realized guys like him happen to be my type, I love the loud and kind-hearted men who arent ashamed to express their feelings.
5/5 c14 WolfSongGirl
...Tenten is going to start looking speculatively at Lee isn't she? :)
1/11 c7 17Child of Dreams
Gai's in ANBU?
7/29/2023 c15 Guest
In awe. This is beautiful. Thank you.
6/29/2023 c15 4Aryabloodlust
Ok I definitely cried happy and sad tears. This was soo good! Its going in my reread again folder. thank you for the wonderfull story!
3/31/2023 c15 Waffliesinyoface
i think i've left a similar review before in the past, but you should know that whenever i finish this fic again i'm overcome with giant sappy tears. it's so sweet!
1/17/2023 c14 Dragon of Yin and Yang
As part of my annual "read my favorite fanfics," I came to visit. I still love your story and thank you.
1/15/2023 c15 3amour de vin
This was adorable! All sorts of happy warm fuzzies. Thank you so much.
1/2/2023 c15 It's Marahuyo
awwwww. wholesome
11/27/2022 c1 GroveWolf
Spotted a discrepancy. Apparently the Kyubi happens when she's 8, and that's when she gets her leg amputated, but shortly after it refers to her as being 5 years old, and "maimed".
10/29/2022 c15 SapphireKiddTaeyeon
Amazing...just amazing
8/2/2022 c15 Alechaos Ogigio 2
How dare you make me cry! Ugh! <3
6/21/2022 c15 5Lil-McSavage
This is by far the most beautiful fanfic story I've had the pleasure of reading in quite some time. I needed this in my life, thank you so very much.
3/24/2022 c15 adam110902
great story
3/10/2022 c15 Kal
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