3/31/2020 c1 Guest
this is awesome!
this is awesome!
7/4/2019 c1 WOrosama
wow this is so well-written 3 hope you can keep up with this incredible work 3 also, can i translate this into Vietnamese and post it on my blog since a lot of people there dont really know English well, im sure to give credits and the original link to this fanfiction 3 thanks a lot beforehand 3
wow this is so well-written 3 hope you can keep up with this incredible work 3 also, can i translate this into Vietnamese and post it on my blog since a lot of people there dont really know English well, im sure to give credits and the original link to this fanfiction 3 thanks a lot beforehand 3
2/4/2019 c1
Beautifully written. I can completely picture this happening, even if it’s a bit wrong... oh well! I would probably feel exactly the same if I was in Ankos position ;)
Beautifully written. I can completely picture this happening, even if it’s a bit wrong... oh well! I would probably feel exactly the same if I was in Ankos position ;)
11/9/2018 c1 Guest
This was beautiful
This was beautiful
8/28/2018 c1 Remi
I need a cold shower now...in some holy water.
Nice hot fic ;)
I need a cold shower now...in some holy water.
Nice hot fic ;)
8/27/2017 c1 GooLord
I was asking myself what's a knicker was but with my dialect it sounded like I said the n word O.O thank God no one was around.
I was asking myself what's a knicker was but with my dialect it sounded like I said the n word O.O thank God no one was around.
3/18/2017 c1
This is an AMAZING fanfiction. Good job! Especially since I don't usually ship a guy with a girl, or a girl with a guy. :)
This is an AMAZING fanfiction. Good job! Especially since I don't usually ship a guy with a girl, or a girl with a guy. :)
12/15/2015 c1
this was amazing but so sad cause it made me think of hour oro-teme just uses and throws her away in cannon
this was amazing but so sad cause it made me think of hour oro-teme just uses and throws her away in cannon
8/19/2014 c1
It makes feel guilty reading this, but if you ask me "was it good?", the answer is definitely "yes, it was."
It makes feel guilty reading this, but if you ask me "was it good?", the answer is definitely "yes, it was."
3/23/2014 c1 Danielle
I loved it
I loved it
12/31/2013 c1 Denmoe
Nice Fanfic
Nice Fanfic