Just In
for Orochimaru Sensei's Tongue

3/31/2020 c1 Guest
this is awesome!
7/4/2019 c1 WOrosama
wow this is so well-written 3 hope you can keep up with this incredible work 3 also, can i translate this into Vietnamese and post it on my blog since a lot of people there dont really know English well, im sure to give credits and the original link to this fanfiction 3 thanks a lot beforehand 3
2/4/2019 c1 12Mdawg1425
Beautifully written. I can completely picture this happening, even if it’s a bit wrong... oh well! I would probably feel exactly the same if I was in Ankos position ;)
11/9/2018 c1 Guest
This was beautiful
8/28/2018 c1 Remi
I need a cold shower some holy water.

Nice hot fic ;)
7/7/2018 c1 Proxy57
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa me encanto
8/27/2017 c1 GooLord
I was asking myself what's a knicker was but with my dialect it sounded like I said the n word O.O thank God no one was around.
3/18/2017 c1 11muttjc2003
This is an AMAZING fanfiction. Good job! Especially since I don't usually ship a guy with a girl, or a girl with a guy. :)
7/15/2016 c1 3MickeyThePal
Aww~ .
4/19/2016 c1 1Bungee Cum
Dang! I fucking wanna be in Anko position rn
2/22/2016 c1 cezara-san
This makes me want to make sex with orochimaru, lol
12/15/2015 c1 3stubs1101
this was amazing but so sad cause it made me think of hour oro-teme just uses and throws her away in cannon
8/19/2014 c1 11Athrna
It makes feel guilty reading this, but if you ask me "was it good?", the answer is definitely "yes, it was."
3/23/2014 c1 Danielle
I loved it
12/31/2013 c1 Denmoe
Nice Fanfic
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