Just In
for Silence is a Scary Sound

12/8/2012 c1 3x-DarkDragon-x
I love this story so much! It'd be amazing if you'd continue it, please... xx
12/16/2011 c4 14McSteph
Oh my goodness, this chapter was INCREDIBLE! I love it, and I really did love the way you put Harry's history as to why he's like that in there, I thought it was a brilliant story :) Great, great, great chapter and I seriously cannot wait to read more! :D
12/15/2011 c4 3x-DarkDragon-x
Poor Harry :( Brilliant chapter and I loved the flashback as to how he's got into this mess.

Patiently waiting for the next update ;D

12/15/2011 c4 2SlashLover69
omg. U sooo have 2 update soon plz. I really want to know what happens next!
12/13/2011 c3 14McSteph
Absolutely incredible chapter! I loved it, it was so sad, and I feel so sorry for Harry. Dougie was seriously adorable and I love how you write Giovanna :) This story is amazing and I honestly can't wait to read more :)
12/13/2011 c3 3x-DarkDragon-x
Loved that chapter! It was brilliantly written and poor Harry's having a nightmare of a time :( I want to know what exactly set him off on all this and am looking forward to more chapters :)

Please update soon

6/28/2011 c2 14McSteph
I loved this, very different idea for a story, I can't wait to read more!
6/28/2011 c1 McSteph
Loved this! Seems very interesting so far, and another Harry fic, my favourite :)
6/26/2011 c2 4blackstar2177
Oooh surprise surprise! Bad Harry! Don't do drugs, they're not good for your health! This is a lot different from your other story, but I like that your taking a different direction sorta! I can't wait to read moree! :D xx
6/26/2011 c1 Harry.Judd.Is.Awesome
cool don't hurt harry too much he's my fave lol!
6/26/2011 c1 blackstar2177
YAY! New story! I missed reading your stuff! I'm really curious about this. I'm not too sure what's going on but, it is only the first chapter! I love Harry so, its obvious that I'm also in love with Harry-centric fics, though you already knew that haha. I'm dying to read moree :) xx

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