Just In
for Sunrise

7/22/2011 c1 1doismundos
Hai darl, it's Ciara!

First of all I'm so sorry it's taken me friggen EVER 2 review one of ur stories. *gives self mental slap on the wrist* Secondly, my apologies if this review is a bit crappy or something since I'm doing it at 1:20am...

Right, down 2 business:

• I loved how your words, I dunno? Moved smoothly, I guess:) - it made the story so much more fun to read!

• I liked how ur story was a nice size - not a whole novel but not exactly niny either:)

Alright I think that's all I've got 2 say 4 now, good night...
6/27/2011 c1 2mae.raine
uh... big block of text at the end? Use more enter key please! It was really good until that freakin' giant paragraph at the end. Then I couldn't bother to read it :/

read it yourself man! That last paragraph is literally unreadable


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