Just In
for In My Life

9/13/2011 c11 7MadeleineQ
This is so good! You have no idea how long i've been looking for something like this. I loved this Regulus (although I love him no matter what) and Henrietta's character was perfect. Gret story.
7/11/2011 c11 53TangerineFields
This is such a brilliant chapter. I think it's the best, which makes it perfect to be the last. I loved it, and I loved Regulus' tracing of the family tree. Brilliant xx
7/11/2011 c10 TangerineFields
His doubts creep through ever so well in this bit. How the hell do I still love Henrietta? I think you've enchanted this or sommat...I really shouldn't like her...

7/11/2011 c9 TangerineFields
I love this line - "and he looks far too serious for a summer ball." and this whole installment and the fact that you used an Oscar Wilde quote just far too much :D xx
7/11/2011 c8 TangerineFields
Grrrrrr! But he's too cool to be evil! I mean, he's allowed to be cool evil, but this is just eeeevil evil!

7/11/2011 c7 TangerineFields
I love how you ran the theme of things being passed down in this :D And the constant Sirius references, you know, they're not really a bad thing...

I really loved the beginning of this one xx
7/11/2011 c6 TangerineFields
I'd forgotten how much I love Henrietta. She is truly amazing. And so much like you in this chapter - you know you always wanted to be Bellatrix ;p xx
7/6/2011 c11 6three broomsticks
I haven't had any internet at home lately, but I've been checking my emails on my school computer. I have been wanting to read this for ages and now I've had the chance and it was so worth the wait.

Well done, I really enjoyed it.
7/4/2011 c11 Purple Ghoti
I really enjoyed this story. Henrietta was an interesting character, and I liked her interactions with Regulus. I also found your reason for Regulus leaving the Death Eaters to be good. I don't think I've come accross that explanation before.
7/4/2011 c11 10swimdiva87
love it!
7/4/2011 c11 20Katali1993
I really like the way Regulus's character developed through this story, especially the last chapter. I feel sorry for him that his wife dies too.

PS are you updating really fast or something, because when I looked the other day there were five chapters, and now there are eleven?
7/1/2011 c5 53TangerineFields
It was a pleasure darling. You know I can't help but enjoy adding profanities to things ;)

Henrietta makes me cross, although she is still amazing, which leaves me battling between 'you were horrible to Sirius' and 'you are amazing'

It's a bit like the Bellatrix dilemma.

Love her though. And you for creating her :D
7/1/2011 c4 TangerineFields
"Sirius had taken time out of his busy schedule of sulking in a corner to come" - is my favourite line ever, and I also love his near miss with the brandy glass XD I reminded me of us and the pub and the uno cards.

I love the description of her. That was lovely. xx
7/1/2011 c3 TangerineFields
Right, after reading what you just sent me I have to get into my Awwww Regulus! head.

I have. Awwwww! He's just too adorable. And Henrietta is just epic.
6/30/2011 c2 TangerineFields
Despite all the blood purity crap, Henrietta is pretty awesome. I love her fixing Regulus' hair! And I know I've said it before but I have so much love for the last line :D

I love this fic so much :D xx
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