Just In
for I'll Be Right Here

5/31 c13 TheOmittedDragon
Now, given this is quite the old fic (but not the oldest) and it seems like you're still semi-active, I felt it best to leave my thoughts.

Frankly, this story was gut-wrenching, and watching such a beloved character deteriorate before one's one eyes is undescribable.

You didn't hold back, and you showed the horror and dread that is memory loss.

Tails and Chris were certainly the stars of the work, though I do appreciate the growth of Eggman, and his eventual "retirement", if you will.

Now, it seems as if you've taken down the sequel to this work, as well as others. This seems to have occurred a few years ago. I cannot be one to judge, I know what it means to get a fresh start, yet I can't help but to wonder what the sequel had to offer.

No matter the case, however, this work stands well on it's own, and is certainly a hidden gem. My heart goes out to Sonic, and though this work certainly isn't perfect, it does what it sets out to do rather fantastically.

I tip my hat to you, and I thank you for creating a work that people, such as myself, can enjoy reading over a decade later.
9/20/2022 c12 Adam Evers
Well, the ending implies that Sonic got help.
Unless he didn't.
9/19/2022 c11 Adam Evers
I really hope that nothing bad happens to Tails in the upcoming chapters since his literally my favorite character seeing that his the "Discord" of the series to me seeing that his literally on the same level as power as Discord seeing that his linked to the chaos force which would literally make him Discord due to his powers and abilities.
This is indeed a really well written story, but I'm actually starting to feel bad for Sonic or even worried about Tails, Amy, Cream and Knuckles for that matter.
Tails is the character I'm mostly worried about since his literally my favorite, but I'm worried about Amy and Knuckles' reaction to Sonic being like this.
Knuckles would obviously be a raging bull that's escaped from its pen while Amy might attack the closest person to her that has harmed Sonic the most.
Cream on the other hand might lose it and blame Chris for being Chris since she literally hates the guy if you've watched the show.
9/17/2022 c9 Adam Evers
It is possible for someone like Eggman to be merciful, but that doesn't mean that his anything other than a villain, you are still right by the way.
Eggman is human and humans can be merciful when you need to be.
9/15/2022 c6 Adam Evers
The Tails here sounds more like Tails than the versions of him that we find on YouTube.
Tail Twister is still the best YouTube wise, but Tails and Sonic Pals, Emerald Masters, Gotta Go Fast and Charmy Bee don't know anything about the characters their parodying on their crappy YouTube channels.
This story is still pretty good low, keep up the good work.
Also, I'm pretty sure that you've spelt kitsune wrong.
You spelt it as kitson when its actually spelt kitsune.
9/12/2022 c2 Adam Evers
I understand what you mean, I never really focus on Cream, Cheese and Shadow's characters that much because I hate the way their written in fan projects such as YouTube channels which mostly go by the usernames Tails and Sonic Pals, Emerald Masters, Gotta Go Fast and Charmy Bee followed by other fan projects that usual get under my skin for being too terrible for words, but I still view them as their canon counterparts and that the YouTubers I've just mentioned are 100% wrong.
Besides, I'm really impressed with this story so far, I love it.
9/12/2022 c1 Adam Evers
Dib07, you are a genius, job well done.
6/28/2021 c13 Littlebodygrumpyheart
why did you delete the final story?
2/12/2021 c1 The Eccentric Nomad
Sorry to hear the last part of this story was taken down. I would have loved to read the conclusion of this trilogy.
This story really tugged at my heartstrings and is well written, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for almost a week now!
Definitely a favorite!
1/29/2021 c13 Shani
where is it...
I can't find the next part...
I can't find Porcelain...
Please tell me...
Also this made me cry like 7 times it was also amazing and so sweet.
11/27/2020 c13 Sempiterno ARose
I already read this story more than 10 times and I still cry. It really lasted almost 2 hours looking for the continuation but it is not. I really hope you upload it again, because I love this story.
8/16/2020 c13 SonicJax13
Hi! Love this story to pieces!
Im seeing Porcelain. Is it soon to be posted or you changed your mind about posting?
2/29/2020 c12 4skybluepainter
This was so well written but I'm literally crying right now! It doesn't matter what character from what universe, losing your memories/dementia is a terrible thing for all involved.
2/29/2020 c13 skybluepainter
I couldn't find the link to the sequel. :(
10/25/2017 c5 TailztheThorcat
It was so hard reading this! I feel so bad for Sonic! That must be so embarrassing! On the bright side, though, it seems like he's so out of it that he's not really ashamed. Or is that on the dark side? Tune in months from now!
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