Just In
for Jealousy

11/23/2012 c1 14Wondo
I just came across "Jealousy". Excellent dialogue.
I like how you portrayed the way these two men dance around each other.
Peter knows Neal was probing for answers; he just won't provide him any material.
Very nice.
11/9/2012 c1 wotumba1
don't think neal's being jealous here, more likely he wants to find out what's going on...
but it's good for him that peter thinks he's jealous...
8/4/2012 c1 10Bonkers4Reid
Great fic! I wanted to sample your work, but everything else is completed multi-chapters. Love how it's just intense, competitive dialogue.
7/26/2011 c1 7AliWC
Yup, this conversation is exactly why Neal never confronted Peter about that agent in canon. He knew Peter would beat him.

Absolutely fabulous portrayal!
7/18/2011 c1 4canadianscanget
Tense. Loved the last few lines. Nice to see a good balance between Peter and Neal. Whether collaborating on trying to figure the other out they are both intelligent and respectful of each others abiliTies. CCG
7/15/2011 c1 3WynonaRose
I'm really happy with this story. Thank you for writing again.
7/4/2011 c1 13last1stnding
This is good. Peter has definitely had Neal's number this season and you bring it out very well. Nicely done.
7/3/2011 c1 BeciNotBecky
Great job ! Very In character and I looved the quote ! Thanks for posting !
7/3/2011 c1 BeciNotBecky
Great job ! Very In character and I looved the quote ! Thanks for posting !
7/3/2011 c1 6puellascribit5
Great job! :) I could see something like this happening in the show!
7/3/2011 c1 26Stroma
Very good

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