Just In
for The Man Behind the Cut

10/5/2013 c17 yellow
I thought you explain what a cut was in one of the chapter when sasuke was worried that sakura called it a vest and he corrected her
10/5/2013 c17 JJGre19kakashi
awwwww I love this story cant wait for the next chapter
10/5/2013 c17 BookLover
Love it and Update soon I want to see Ren POV and put the dinner in the next chapter. Again love it and Please let Sakura and Sasuke have sex.
10/5/2013 c17 10SasuSaku993
yeah new chapter! I've been waiting awhile. Haha I can just imagine Sakura smacking someone with a spatula particularly Naruto. You gave me a near heart attack with the whole let's drop Sasuke in the pool thing. I thought something bad was about to happen. I was serious,y freaking out! Can't wait for the next chapter but I will! That's kind of stupid. the whole language think? I may not be familiar with the words but I still know the difference between a typo and a word that's supposed to be there.
-SasuSaku993 Out-
10/5/2013 c5 Guest
AHHH! It's biker lingo! Thank goodness you explained it! Geez, next time, list the weird vocabulary.
10/5/2013 c17 cutecookiechick
I'm glad tsunami likes her. Can't wait till the next chapter.
10/5/2013 c4 Guest
Ok, have you seriously mixed up the words "coat" and "cut," or am I missing something? I'm going to guess English is not your first language, because the story's not bad so far, but...either way, that is a very sloppy mistake. It's even in the story's title. Please go back and fix it-for your reputation as a writer, if nothing else.
10/5/2013 c17 Guest
Love it. Please do continue! Aiden is so adorable
10/5/2013 c17 12c00l4mfsch00l
Really good chapter! Love this story. Hope you're okay, you seem a little down. Anyways, keep up the good work, looking forward to your next update!
10/5/2013 c17 10ILoveSxS
love it! I'm glad you updated. I laughed when Kisame came in
9/25/2013 c16 Blanche K
This story has been nothing short of amazing! I really do love the story line and idea! And I can't wait to see how everything will turnout! Please continue and update soon! Thanks
-Bianca K XD
9/25/2013 c16 Makana
This is really good :D
9/19/2013 c16 Chulis
Omg, I love it. Great work. Can't wait for the next chapters and the following chapters as well.
9/15/2013 c14 Loving reader
seriously... UPDATE asap I have to know whats happening! love this
9/3/2013 c9 10SasuSaku993
I never get tired of reading your story it so good. I hope you update soon. I've been anxiously waiting to see what you throw in next. I'm soo worried for Sasuke! What will happen to him without his heart medicine? I hope something good happens soon.
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