Just In
for The Man Behind the Cut

7/4/2011 c1 pinkypinkypinky
I love this story already and omg Sasuke knocked up karin *cries* lol but Aiden is adorable. I can't wait for Sasuke and Sakura to meet :) sasuXsaku my fav pairing. Please update soon, please, please lol
7/3/2011 c1 Murderbull214
I'm in love with this story, I have to agree with the other reviewers that I haven't read a story with this kind of plotline, but thats a good thing because it just opens a bigger selection of genre to read. I love the idea of how Sasuke has a son, but dosent seem to be attached to the mother at all, and also that Sakura is seen as the most beautiful girl in the world to Sasuke.

It's such a good story and I hope you continue writing it until the very end! :)

Update please&soon! 3
7/3/2011 c1 ShadowHearted
i loved it. the way you wrote it made me just have to keep reading till the end.

i think the plot is really good and can't wait for you to add another chapter.

7/3/2011 c1 10crowlady
ive never read a motorcycle gang based fic before! i look forward to it!
7/3/2011 c1 ABloomingFlower
Awesome story!
7/3/2011 c1 ImaFREAK
I love this story already, damn I love sasuXsaku and I cant wait for more. Awww Aiden is so cute, I wonder whets going to happen between Sasuke and Sakura. please update soon
7/3/2011 c1 Amu.Kitty.Nyan
Awsome cant wait for the next chap
7/3/2011 c1 7Saku-iimouto
Interesting plot... Please update soon! :] I can't wait until sasuke and sakura meet! :]
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