Just In
for Charmed: The Power of Four with a Twist

7/16/2011 c2 21The Damned Goddess
Very good story, I like the idea of Xander being a forth Halliwell, but maybe you can try to break from the script a little more then just adding Xander in there. Following exactly what the show does gets boring, because, let's face it, everybody here had already seen Charmed and knows what happened in the show, so mix it up a bit. Add Buffy and Willow or something, or put in extra little twists. And try to add more detail, because just talking gets way boring. In the show, it's OK, because you SEE what's going on, but in a book or story, not so OK.
7/4/2011 c2 4BaDWolF89
I'm glad to have found this FF, something new to read and enjoy. The only little mishap I have is the Buffy/Angel later on. Than again I'm a die hard Spuffy. Update again soon!
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