Just In
for To save the King

7/15/2011 c4 tehehehe
noooo a cliffyyy! but anyways, this is AWESOME! keep up the great work, and please update soon~~~ the wait is killing me lol
7/14/2011 c4 Guest
7/14/2011 c4 Serenity Lhane
CHARLES! Erik get ur ass over there and help him!

Please update again soon!
7/14/2011 c4 Little Draca
Very interested in seeing how you have Shaw and Charles interact. So far your writing has been very strong. :)
7/14/2011 c4 18Mel72000
Thanks for this chapter !
7/14/2011 c4 5ticktock22
NOO! CHARLES! This is a good story. :)
7/14/2011 c4 1schoolkid
Okay fine you can torture him (honestly who doesn't love torture fics) so long as Erik saves him in the end.
7/14/2011 c4 59MirrorFlower and DarkWind
noooo come on charles dont give in awwww great job i loved this
7/14/2011 c4 10Ms. Unusual-in-Groovy-Ways
I'm so glad Charles didn't die. That cliffhanger really was timed awesomely for suspence. The chapter was O.K. Nothingtruly special, but it was fine. UPDATE SOON!
7/14/2011 c4 2SaradocCraver101
I love it and please update as soon as you can. ^_^
7/12/2011 c3 Riy
Plz let Charles live

And don't make this a slash either
7/12/2011 c3 1schoolkid
What? Someone's gonna catch him right? I love this story and can't wait for more!
7/12/2011 c2 schoolkid
Oh my poor babies!
7/12/2011 c1 schoolkid
Oh my god this sounds so good!
7/9/2011 c3 28JanTam8
OMG I FREAKING LOVE THIS! i don't know why but i just have a thing for dark!charles u i can't wait for the next chapter!
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