Just In
for To save the King

7/8/2011 c3 Serenity Lhane
Whaaat? Please update soon, im now very curious!
7/8/2011 c3 2SaradocCraver101
I love it and please update as soon as you can. ^_^
7/8/2011 c3 4Erikroolsall
Omg, why is he jumping? Did he disapear or is he downright falling. OMG TOO MANY QUESTIONS TO ANSWER! Please update and answer the questions, we have to make sure Charles is okay T_T

(lolz, update please :) )
7/8/2011 c3 8Der Adler des Mondes
Oh no hope Charles doesn't go One man army on him :p
7/8/2011 c1 Little Draca

very well done. More pleeeaase :D
7/8/2011 c3 59MirrorFlower and DarkWind
oh damn just...damn nice
7/8/2011 c3 10Ms. Unusual-in-Groovy-Ways
Damn the cliffhanger! My heart might've stopped after that. Please update soon! I wanna know what happens.
7/8/2011 c3 2Elfe90

Just found your lovely story and absolutely love these first three chapters. Can't wait to see what happens next! Hope there'll be some hurt!charles and some caring!erik in the nrxz chap after charles just stepped into nothingness on the roof...

I really, really do enjoy your story and your writing style so pleeeeaase update as soon as you can!
7/8/2011 c3 Samantha Easter
Creepy! I like it!
7/8/2011 c3 KC
This is such an exciting, well-written story. I think you have the characters spot-on. I love it! Can't wait for the next update!
7/8/2011 c3 Guest
..omg...update soon!
7/8/2011 c2 6Askevron
Brilliant chapter - love protective Erik...great step up in the tension!
7/7/2011 c2 4Erikroolsall
whoa, intense moment! Shaw is one sneaky litte bugger ain`t he? Please update soon! :)
7/7/2011 c2 xNotActivex
Heyhey :) I just found your Story and I love it! I's very thrilling and I like your Style of writing.

Please update soon and keep up the good work!


7/7/2011 c2 2SaradocCraver101
I love it and please update as soon as you can. ^_^
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