Just In
for To save the King

7/7/2011 c2 Samantha Easter
Hello, I have really enjoyed reading your story and I am excited for an update!
7/7/2011 c2 59MirrorFlower and DarkWind
oh gods evil evil man nice job i love
7/7/2011 c2 18Mel72000
Thank you for this chapter !
7/7/2011 c1 6Askevron
Great start! Can't wait to see where you are going with this!
7/7/2011 c1 69MycroftsAngelEyes


Evil Shaw is deliciously evil

And Charles... *hugs him tightly*

Please, write more. I love this xD
7/7/2011 c1 sobjack
well this is what I usually say in a x men fic: I love dark charles! update soon pls...
7/7/2011 c1 18Mel72000
Thank for this story !
7/6/2011 c1 xXPrettyDisturbedXx
LOVE IT! plz update again!
7/6/2011 c1 1TNBC
Wow. And I mean Wow.

I'm not normally a fan of any story under 1000 words but something about the description intrigued me and I've got to say even though it's a shortish chapter, I'm already hooked =)

Can't wait to see what happens next =)
7/6/2011 c1 5callietitan
Oh. Shit. I love this already. Please keep going, update soon, or I'll DIE.
7/6/2011 c1 59MirrorFlower and DarkWind
ohh this looks fun hahah great cannot wait for more
7/6/2011 c1 kazuya22
Very interseting, i want to read next chap ;_;
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