Just In
for Arms

10/30/2023 c26 dreamAnne
Atruly wonderful... and HOT piece of fanfiction. Thank you so much and sincerely hoping for a good long happily ever after and family gettogether!
10/6/2023 c19 Guest
Why do they still trying to keep Bella safe? With her stupid behaviour and selfish ass. Kick her out let she lives with her love fantasy.
7/6/2023 c26 8lindyrb
Really want to see how it all ends up! They HAVE to see the Cullens! And how Charlie takes the news!
7/2/2023 c26 Guest
I'm happy they get to see his family again, evne though it's been 10 long years
6/10/2023 c26 gotitbad
I loved this story I’m so glad you added the epilogue
5/25/2023 c26 1JayNahNah
I love it!
5/23/2023 c26 EdwardsVampTramp
The storm seems ominous...
Is that a foreboding sign of what's to come for them?
5/23/2023 c25 EdwardsVampTramp
I'm guessing it's excellent news...
They no longer have to hide. ;)
That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
5/23/2023 c24 EdwardsVampTramp
Yes, I want a Cullen reunion! :(
It's been ten years, surely they can manage a secret get together so everyone can meet Charlie...
5/23/2023 c23 EdwardsVampTramp
Wow, I can't believe they didn't tell them about the baby! I get it ; I do.!
I'm wondering if Esme and Carlisle suspected Tori's sexuality and that was why she wasn't included in the grandchildren comment...
Things that make you go hhhhhmmmmm.
5/22/2023 c20 EdwardsVampTramp
Grandbabies for Esme and Carlisle! Now the feds just need to nail all of the bad guys!
5/22/2023 c18 EdwardsVampTramp
Thank God for *69!
5/22/2023 c13 EdwardsVampTramp
I love that you made Jake Edward's nurse!
5/14/2023 c26 VryUnique
Awesome story!
I would love the family reunion!
5/14/2023 c4 VryUnique
Bella spilled some secrets.
Edward needs to keep his hands to himself.
I don’t like that he thinks she is 17.
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